Error in function to return Querystring in Javascript


Viewed 62 times


When using this function by calling the filter parameter of an error, instead of returning the value of the Querystring parameter it returns a Function.

//Retorna os valores da querystring
function QueryString(pName)
    //Cria as variaveis
    var lQueryValue;
    var lQueryString =\x3F/, "").replace(/\x2B/g, " ").split("&");
    //Verifica se tem alguma query string
    if (lQueryString != "")
        //Cria o array
        var lArray = [];
        //Roda em todos os caracteres da querystring
        for (var i = 0; i < lQueryString.length; i++)
            //Quebra a query string
            lQueryValue = lQueryString[i].split("=");
            //Seta o valor do array
            lArray[lQueryValue[0]] = unescape(lQueryValue[1]);
        //Armazena o retorno
        var lReturn = lArray[pName];
        return lReturn;
    return null

I found that this seems to be an array problem.

var lArray = [];

Should return the Undefined value or the correct value, but returns the prototype string of the array filter function.

Does anyone have any tips on how to solve this problem ?

1 answer


Friend what is happening is that in your array lArray you are added a key and then are trying to fetch it under another name. Change the following line:

lArray[lQueryValue[0]] = unescape(lQueryValue[1]);

For the following:

lArray[lQueryValue[0].substr(lQueryValue[0].indexOf('?') + 1)] = unescape(lQueryValue[1]);

I hope I helped friend

  • So, but it works with all the parameters requested in the url, only it doesn’t work with when I ask for the parameter 'filter'. I will try to apply your suggestion and warning if I have had any success. I appreciate your analysis.

  • I changed the line as you suggest and the error remained

  • It seems that there is a native filter function in the array object and for this reason it does not understand how to search for a value but rather as a reference to the filter function, so it returns the code of the function, see the link

  • The solution to the problem would be to try to make it search inside the array by the string filter value and not by the function reference.

  • Try using the following code: var lArray = []; lArray['filter']; .

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