Make Listview background color invisible when using scrollbar


Viewed 201 times


In my application has a listview and when I roll the scroll bar the background turns white , wanted to make invisible , no color leave only the color that is already at the bottom of the application, someone knows?


Quando esta Rolando

  • And if you don’t roll the bottom is transparent?

  • and yes, the background of my application is blue and an image and it has a border , then when it rolls the background turns white and cover the border

  • print?

  • Look here I put the print

  • you have in your XML LisvView the parameter android:listSelector="@android:color/transparent"?

  • Try to add as well android:cacheColorHint="@android:color/transparent" and then say how it turned out

  • It worked , but it didn’t help much in one of my problems

  • Because it didn’t help ?

  • helped , more and that even invisible the background the list was getting over the edge but put an android:paddingBottom="50dp" and it worked. Thank you very much

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You have to have it in your XML LisvView the parameter: android:listSelector="@android:color/transparent" and also the parameter: android:cacheColorHint="@android:color/transparent"

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