Web server that receives and sends parameters to C#, is it possible?


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I developed a software in C# (.NET) that sends/receives text files to an FTP server, but for security I look to work only with type parameters String/Bytes for security reasons, my question is: "possible to create a web server (I can’t imagine which tool/language) that receives these parameters via C# and answer me when asked?

Note: This data will also be requested via an App on Android.

  • 1

    Can you describe this new server functionality better? It got a little confusing. It will communicate with the tool that communicates with the FTP server?

  • Hello, sorry I must have expressed myself wrong, it would just be a web server receiving parameters and responding when asked, thank you!

  • Review of the above comment, currently I use FTP and want to exchange for some type of basic server that meet these needs.

1 answer


It is possible, of course. If it was not possible there were no web servers, right?

You need to see if this is what you really want. Rarely is this necessary. But if you want to go ahead, I say it’s no easy task, especially since you seem to care about safety. Making a secure server is extremely difficult and laborious, usually done by very experienced and fully dedicated teams.

Maybe there’s a solution that solves what you want without so much work. It is not the most suitable for large websites but solves specific needs. Microsoft has created something that does a lot of the work. It is a specification (OWIN) and an implementation (Katana) of a server to use with .NET. applications. in that other answer. There are links to more information about the technology. Now there is also the Kestrel which is the cross-platform implementation of OWIN.

But again, I think you don’t need any of this. A standard server should solve what you need. What you ask for is the function of any server.

See the YARP.

  • Of course, my friend! It is really necessary, but I think that resorting to the application "Kestrel" is exaggeration, what I wish is nothing complicated, explaining better I need a simple SERVER that received and answered parameters, a small observation I use C# Windows Form not C#ASP.NET, I will request and send parameters via C# (Desktop) and Android (Mobile), so the question would be: Which server would you recommend me? and how to develop (introduction), Thank you! (Security is the least of, regarding this if we turn around here)

  • Continuing the comment above: "It may be some application similar to FTP, you direct to the address it just asks login and password and order... Only with no interface and nothing just a parameter server, you see?

  • I answered the question. I’m giving the simple option, if you prefer the complicated I doubt you can get here, nor would it fit in an answer if the least is done. I understand that you don’t know the subject and think it’s simple to do something like this but it’s not.

  • Yes in relation to the web I do not have much experience and knowledge, It is that by what I researched these katana applications, owin are all geared to c#Asp.net, right? I prefer a simple option and found these above complicated rsrssr

  • Yes, but you don’t necessarily need to use ASP.Net. Experienced people have difficulty building something like this, without experience it is better not to try. And I think the only solution is to hire someone who has proven to have done something like this and is in production for a good period without problems.

  • I understand, but I have no option but to resort to learn and create, I will wait for more answers and research more! Thank you so much for your help and attention, hugs.

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