how to remove None from the list


Viewed 123 times


I have to play the little game "Anoi Tower", in which I need to pass the data that are in the source tower to the destination tower, using an auxiliary tower. however when the data arrive at the destination tower, inside the list appears a 'None':


class Stack:
    def __init__(self):
        self.__items = []

    def items(self):
        return self.__items

    def isempty(self):
        return len(self.__items) == 0

    def push(self, item):

    def pop(self):
        if not self.isempty():
            return self.__items.pop(0)
            return print('Não há nenhum item para desempilhar')

    def peek(self):
        if not self.isempty():
            return self.__items[0]
            return print('Não há nenhum item no topo')

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.items)

class TowerOfHanoi:
    def __init__(self):

        self.__orig = Stack()
        self.__aux = Stack()
        self.__dest = Stack()

    def orig(self):
        return self.__orig

    def aux(self):
        return self.__aux

    def dest(self):
        return self.__dest

    def insere(self, elemento):

    def movedisk(self, n, orig, dest):
        transfere(n, self.__orig, self.__aux,self.__dest)
        print(f'{n} foi do pino {orig} para o pino {dest}')

    def movetower(self, n, orig, aux, dest):

        if n >= 1:

            self.movetower(n - 1, orig, dest, aux)
            self.movedisk(n, orig, dest)
            self.movetower(n - 1, aux, orig, dest)

tower = TowerOfHanoi()

def transfere(n,orig, aux,dest):
    while not orig.isempty():
        if n>=1:
            transfere(n-1, orig, dest, aux)
            transfere(n-1, aux, orig, dest)

p = Stack()


print(f'Pilha de origem: {tower.orig.items}')

print(f'A pilha de origem está vazia?{tower.orig.isempty()} ')

print(f'A pilha de destino está vazia?{tower.dest.isempty()} ')

tower.movetower(len(tower.orig.items), "A", "B", "C")

print(f'A pilha de origem está vazia?{tower.orig.isempty()} ')

print(f'A pilha de destino está vazia?{tower.dest.isempty()} ')

print(f'item da pilha de destino: {tower.dest.items}')

print(f'item da pilha de origem:{tower.orig.items}')

print(f'topo dest: {tower.dest.peek()}')

print(f'Tamanho dest:{len(tower.dest.items)}')

print(f'Quant movimentos: {2**len(tower.dest.items)- 1} ')
  • I saw that in some places you did return print('...'); the return of function print is None, then whenever this expression is executed its function will also return None, which may justify the existence of such values in its list.

1 answer


Consider checking what Anderson said in the comment, but answering your question directly: [x for x in lista if x is not None]

>>> lista = [5, None, 3]
>>> lista = [x for x in lista if x is not None]
>>> lista
[5, 3]

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