how to take value from an autocomplete and send to the controller (AJAX)


Viewed 65 times


You can receive the chosen value from a field and use this value in a variable in the controller?

This is my field:

<div class="form-group  hidden" id="idnome" > 
    <label>NOME </label>
    <div class="qlyAutoComplete">
        @Html.TextBox("NOME", null, new { @class = "form-control AutoCompletar", 
        maxlength = 50, urlAC = "/RecursosHumanos/PopularPessoa", hidAc = "" })

        @Html.ValidationMessage("NOME", new { @class = "CorVermelhoNegativo" })

1 answer


If the above code is inside a Form and this form is submitted to the controller, just in the action you want to receive this value have a parameter called Name.

Look at a simple example

Public ActionResult Test(string Nome)
{ Return View(); }

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