How do I rate a test, release or Feature?


Viewed 396 times


If I create a test on something that already exists, does it enter as a release or Feature in a git-flow stream? why a test is an improvement but also something new.

1 answer


Considering the separation as below:

  1. Feature branches: Contains codes that may or may not be included in the next release, the merge of the Features is performed in the branch develop
  2. develop branch: Contains Features that will be made available at the next release
  3. master branch: Contains the code of current release starting from the branch develop, going into production
  4. Hotfix branches: They depart from the master branch or the branch equivalent to the current version in production, used for an immediate repair in production

There is no problem in treating only the development of a test as a Feature, you do not have the immediate need to include it in production (Hotfix).

Following the normal flow, your change would enter as Feature -> develop -> master. In some cases this becomes verbose, if it is punctual and in common agreement between the team, you can send it to develop directly.

I recommend reading the flow here

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