How do I upload a Nuxt project to a server? (Namecheap)


Viewed 236 times


personnel what files of a project in nuxt I must go up to a server, in case I use the Namecheap.

surrounded the npm run build (on my machine), and a folder /dist was created inside the folder .nuxt

I read the documentation and some things about it but I really don’t understand yet how I should proceed.

  • It all depends on your architecture and the Nuxt mode you are using. Here we upload all the files and run npm run build and npm start with Jenkins.

  • got it. I’m using it in universal mode (ssr). but do you go up all the files and folders even? (/.nuxt, /Assets, /Components, /layouts, etc...). you spin npm run build still on the machine to create the dist folder inside . nuxt or only run this command after uploading everything to the server?

  • In our architecture we upload everything to a git server and Docker takes the application and runs one npm install, npm run build and npm start. But I recommend you take a look here. As I understand the architecture of Nuxt, you will only need the folder .nuxt

1 answer


Usually I use npm run generate, it generates static files in the dist folder, and these files I put into a hosting.

You can use the npm run build also, but it will generate the minified files.

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