onclik events on table do not work


Viewed 48 times


I have a table in a php file with some events onclick that I need to call after the page is loaded. But when I try to click one of the values or button input submit no reaction. follow the code. I appreciate if anyone can help.

<div style='overflow-x: auto; overflow-y: scroll; width: 1200px; height: 400px;'> 

    <form method="POST" id="formIdJog">

    <input type="hidden" id="id_jogo" name="quejogo">

    <table id="tabela_escolha_jogos" class="lista-jogos">
    <th>Time A</th>
    <th>Time B</th>

    function formDt($dt){
        //21/12/2016 17:30
        $ano = substr($dt, 0, 4);
        $mes = substr($dt,5, 2);
        $dia = substr($dt,8, 2);
        $hora = substr($dt,11, 2);
        $min = substr($dt,14, 2);
        return $dia . '/' . $mes . '/' . $ano . ' - ' . $hora . ':' . $min;
        //return new Date(ano, mes - 1, dia, hora, min, 0);

    $decodifi = file_get_contents("http://pansudopoker.com/futebolapi/api/CampJogos");
     $dados = json_decode($decodifi, true);

        foreach($campeonatos as $campeonato){ //ta no select

            echo "<tr style='background-color: #008000;'> 
            <span name='camp'>".$campeonato['CAMP_NOME']."</span>

            foreach($dados as $dado){
                $dia = substr($dado['dt_hr_ini'], 8, 2); 
                $data = formDt($dado['dt_hr_ini']);
                if($dado["esporte"] == "Futebol" && $dado['Odds'] != null && $dia >= date('d') && 
                $campeonato['CAMP_NOME'] == $dado['camp_nome']):
                $cod = $dado['camp_jog_id'];?>

                <tr id='id_linha' onclick='escolheJogos(this), calcPremio()' >
                <span name='id_timea'><?php echo $dado['casa_time']?></span>
                <span name='id_timeb'><?php echo $dado['visit_time'] ?></span>
                <span name='id_data'><?php echo $data ?></span>
                <span><?php echo $dado['camp_nome'] ?></span> 
                <span name='id_casa' onclick=escolhaCotacao(0)><?php echo $dado['Odds'][0]['taxa'] ?> </span>
                <span name='id_empate' onclick=escolhaCotacao(1)><?php echo $dado['Odds'][1]['taxa'] ?></span>
                <a href="javascript:escolhaCotacao(2)"><?php echo $dado['Odds'][2]['taxa'] ?> </a>
                <button id='id_sub' type='submit' onclick=insere(this)> <?php echo $cod ?> </button>  

                <?php endif;
          // return;

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Where is your function insert() ? Post it tbm.

  • Function inserts(ref) { var code = $(ref). val();

  • sorry and Function inserts(ref) { var code = $(ref). text();}

1 answer


Your Ubmit button’s onclick is quote-free.

  <button id='id_sub' type='submit' onclick=insere(this)> <?php echo $cod ?> </button>  

Should stay that way

  <button id='id_sub' type='submit' onclick='insere(this)'> <?php echo $cod ?> </button>  
  • friend still doesn’t work. I noticed that the last row of table visible on the monitor works, the other upper not.

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