Routine backup of development files


Viewed 41 times


Next: I work in a design office and am responsible for the development area. The office has a central server where all work files are hosted.

However, to work with development, we cannot work directly on the server for the company’s security policy (use of FTP etc) and other issues related to performance and the use of node_modules, which do not need to be backed up.

We have tried to use One Drive and Drop Box without getting good results. Currently, we appeal to backup program (Cobian) but is not the best solution.

Ideally would be some cloud backup service where we could create a feature similar to . git_ignore, so we could restrict the files to be backed up.

If there was some kind of daily Git automation (which I don’t know) it would also help.

  • and why not use gitlab?

  • you can also create a backup routine with the cron to backup only files that are not in your ". gitignore". in this case it will be necessary to understand a little shell script.

1 answer


When it comes to code files, and related, for example: images that are in the application, audio file, etc...; the best practice is that all this is versioned into one version controller.

Currently, perhaps, the most used is the Git, but you’ll still find Mercurial, still within the DVCS, and still the SVN, TFVC, within the CVCS.

To know the difference between CVCS and DVCS see these links:

Some of these are products, for example TFVC, already others have implementations, for example for SVN there are several client plug-ins for access.

The most recommended currently is Git, a popularity gained by, so much so that Microsoft has even implemented on Azure Devops, on the vertical today called Azure Repos, in a new project you can choose between Git and TFVC, and Microsoft’s own recommendation is Git.

Therefore, ideally you should choose one of these versioners and use them. If you choose the on-premise version, you should backup, for example, Azure Devops Server has the option to back up. Azure Devops Services, which is a cloud service, is not needed! Just like

The interesting thing about using Git is that you’ll be able to switch services, without any loss, you can test or Azure Devops and in the future migrate to any other Git Channel service, as they will all be compatible.

A bad practice is to use the services you mentioned, One Drive or Dropbox, as they are not suitable for code versioning.

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