How to filter, with angular, objects of a JSON by an id that belongs to another object within the array


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My question is how can I filter objects from an array by comparing the id which is inside a "sub-object". Type:

animais [
      id: 34,
      nome: baleia,
      categoria: {
         id: 2,
         nome: mamifero
      id: 23,
      nome: galinha,
      categoria: {
         id: 3,
         nome: oviparo

Following this example, I would like to catch only mammals (id == 2).

I have a service that returns to me all the animals:

app.factory('Animais', function($http){
    var animalList,
        obj = {};

    obj = {
        getAnimais:function(callback) {
            if(animalList) {
                return false;
            else {
                    method: 'GET',
                    url: 'http://example/api/animais'
                }).success(function(data) {

        saveAnimais:function(data) {
            locaisList = data;

    return obj;

And mine controller is as follows:

app.controller('AnimaisCtrl', function($scope, $routeParams, $filter, Animais) {
    var myFilter = $filter;

    Animais.getAnimais(function(data) {
        $scope.animais = myFilter('filter')(data.animais, {

In the view previous, the user selects the category. Then it is redirected to the animal screen that will show the animals of the selected category. Somebody give me a hand?

1 answer


Correct me if I’m wrong, but if I understand correctly what you want is to filter a collection of objects according to a shared value between controllers.

One of the possible ways is to implement a service:

app.service('AnimaisSelecaoService', function() {
  var categoria = {};    
  var setCategoria = function(obj) {
      categoria  = obj;
  var getCategoria = function(){
      return categoria;
  return {
    setCategoria : setCategoria,
    getCategoria : getCategoria 

In the controller that coordinates the category selection, enter the new service and use the method AnimaisSelecaoService.setCategoria to indicate the new selection.

Inject the new service into your controller consumer:

app.controller('AnimaisCtrl', function($scope, $routeParams, $filter, 
                                       Animais, AnimaisSelecaoService) {
    Animais.getAnimais(function(data) {
        $scope.animais = 
            data.filter(function (item) { 
                return === AnimaisSelecaoService.getCategoria(); 

If necessary (for scope reasons) include a $watch() for the value of the service, or use $broadcast() to announce the value change and update its interface.

  • I just wanted to filter by the category ID. Is it really necessary all this? I’m well read from Angular. :(

  • My code works, since he’s comparing the id of animais and not of the object categoria that’s inside of him.

  • @Phellipelins I followed the statement in your question - 'I would like to catch only mammals (id == 2)'. I figured 'Category' was the necessary property.

  • As I mentioned, there are several ways. You can use a value stored in $rootScope, which can be understood as a global scope, as well as referencing values stored in a parent scope. But the recommended way is by using Services (or Factories).

  • It is because I am so layman that I had difficulty even to ask. Do you want me to rephrase? What would it be like? You can still help me?

  • That way I don’t understand, I need the solution in code. I have less than a week with Angularjs.

  • @Phellipelins don’t worry, we all start from scratch; it’s a pleasure to help. = ) If you can, rephrase your question without focusing on technology.

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