I have the following code:
<div class='liveExample'>
<div><span data-bind='text: numberOfClicks'> </span></div>
<div data-bind='visible: hasClickedTooManyTimes'>
<button data-bind='click: resetClicks'>Reset clicks</button>
<button data-bind='click: registerClick, disable: hasClickedTooManyTimes'>Click me</button>
var ClickCounterViewModel = function() {
this.numberOfClicks = ko.observable(0);
this.registerClick = function() {
this.numberOfClicks(this.numberOfClicks() + 1);
this.resetClicks = function() {
this.hasClickedTooManyTimes = ko.computed(function() {
return this.numberOfClicks() >= 99;
}, this);
ko.applyBindings(new ClickCounterViewModel());
That makes me have a button (Click Me) where whenever I click, the number changes upwards (from 1 to 99). Every time it gets to 99, I see another button (Reset Me) that brings the count back to the beginning. - this makes it necessary to have two buttons.
What I would like to understand is: is it possible to put everything in one button? I believe it is a Javascript function that I do not know.
Welcome Claukms, avoid putting screenshots of the code. Edit your question and put your code!
– Luiz Augusto
Thanks Luiz, I’ve changed. You can help me?
– CláuKMS