Following this tutorial
Was installed through Yarn the Styled-Components:
yarn add axios prop-types react-navigation styled-components
So in my Styles.js file I defined a class:
const Container = styled.View`
flex: 1;
alignItems: center;
justifyContent: center;
backgroundColor: #00a999;
And in the end export:
export { Container, Logo, Input, ErrorMessage, Button, ButtonText, SignUpLink, SignUpLinkText };
But I get:
Can’t find variable: Styled
In the tutorial cites something about this:
As you may have noticed, we no longer use the Stylesheet.create()passing an object as parameter, with Styled Components create a constant for each component with the prefix Styled. then inside a block of crases (`) we pass the same CSS styles, without using apostrophe (>) nor comma(,) at the end of the lines, therefore following this pattern of appointment you can create any component as if using the Stylesheet.
Could you add all the contents of the Styles.js file to the question? It would make it easier.
– sant0will