Help to send jQuery cloned inputs to the database


Viewed 39 times


I have a form that will add links from download servers to a file, however each file may contain n links from download servers


<input type="text" name="server_down">

This input is cloned by a jQuery so that the user can add other server options if the file has more than one distribution server, so I did something like this:

<input type="text" name="server_down_1">
<input type="text" name="server_down_2">
<input type="text" name="server_down_n">

Whenever the user clones the input, the last value adds up to 1. However, to send to the database I need to make a loop based on the amount of elements I cloned, and for this I made an auxiliary input as follows

<input type="hidden" name="field_clonada" value="Quantas vezes foi clonada">

This way I can save in the database without problem, but what I would like to know is if there are more "efficient" ways to do this, or what are the other ways to do it?

The PHP Loop I use to process the data is this:

<?php $count = $_POST['field_clonada'];
for ($i=1; $i <= $count; $i++) {
   salva_no_bd($arq_id, 'server_down_'.$i, $_POST['server_down_'.$i]);
  • Just do name="server_down[]", with brackets and in PHP do $_POST['server_dow'] to obtain the array.

1 answer


Instead of listing the name, which is more complicated, you can use the name as an array adding square brackets:


The values will be sent to PHP in array form, where you can make a foreach to take the values:

$server_down = $_POST['server_down'];
foreach($server_down as $key => $i){
   salva_no_bd($arq_id, 'server_down_'.$key, $i);

The $i is the value of each field in the array. The $key returns the index of the items in the array, starting from 0.

See if that’s what it was, because I didn’t quite understand the 'server_down_'.$count, where you concatenate the amount of the items. If that’s what you want, change to:

$server_down = $_POST['server_down'];
$count = sizeof($server_down);
foreach($server_down as $key => $i){
   salva_no_bd($arq_id, 'server_down_'.$count, $i);

The sizeof($server_down) returns the number of elements in the array.

  • Ops, I apologize for my mistake, I was writing the sample code and I ended up being wrong, I saw your first answer and it’s exactly perfect for the question I asked, but since it was a mistake and you quickly noticed and corrected it, and now in addition to correcting me, is the correct solution to the question.

  • I would still recommend uniting these values in a single SQL and sending everything at once to the database, thus running only 1 time and not N times.

  • @Andersoncarloswoss Could you exemplify this method? Would it be using the data serialization method? serialize() ?

  • 1

    @Heathcliff Instead of running INSERT INTO ... VALUES (...) Sometimes, you can do INSERT INTO ... VALUES (...), (...), (...), ..., (...) already sending all values.

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