Do you have a plugin for VS Code that shows the color on the side?


Viewed 815 times


I am programming in Dart/ Flutter and would like to find a plugin that does the same as Android Studio, recognizing the color typed and showing on the side

Gostaria de fazer isso no VS Code

The written colors are a little different from the common, as you can see in img...

Sometimes it’s color: Colors.white, sometimes color: Color(0xFFFFFFAFA) and I can’t find a plugin that recognizes the colors

  • but in VS Code the color already appears, not on the side but next to the name/rgb

  • @Ricardopunctual mine does not appear, I think VS Code does not recognize the Dart/ Flutter... the code I put there is in hexa, but has to put "0xFF" in front

2 answers


Unfortunately for Dart and Flutter there are no plugins (yet) that do this. VS Code brings this native option to some languages even, type in CSS, but in Dart and Flutter is not possible (yet). rsrs

I was also looking for a plugin like crazy.

  • 1

    Then, a guy responded with a "gambiarra", but it works, using this plugin and making a quick edit on the VS configs, help d+


An alternative solution to break a branch:

Color Highlight ( By Sergii Naumov)
Vscode Flutter/Dart

Settings used in the above example:

 "color-highlight.markerType": "dot-after",
 "color-highlight.matchWords": true,

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