Subtraction in rows of a table using Datatables


Viewed 96 times


Hello folks I am trying to make a subtraction in the fields Need - Balance and the result in Requested, from the table below, is only working the first item, I tried to move to an array and pick position by position in Javascript but it didn’t work either and as I am using Datatables I have no idea how these ids are being generated by the plugin, I have already made an element inspect and all ids have the same name, can someone explain me how to send these values in sequence to Javascript.

TABLE: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

The table rows are generated through query in the database, and the line code is like this:

                <?php while($dados = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qry2)){ ?>
                        <input type="checkbox" name="selecionar[]" value="<?php echo $dados['codproduto'];?>" readonly>
                        <input type="text" maxlength="4" name="codigo[]" id="codigo" value="<?php echo $dados['codproduto'];?>" onkeyup="somenteNumeros(this)"/>
                    <td id="descricao">
                        <?php echo $dados['descricao'];?>
                        <input type="number" maxlength="4" name="necessidade[]" id="necessidade" value="0" onchange="verifica(this)"/>
                        <input type="number" maxlength="4" name="saldo[]" id="saldo" value="0" onchange="verifica(this)"/>
                        <input type="number" maxlength="4" name="solicitado[]" id="solicitado" value="0" onchange="verifica(this)" onfocus="calcularvalor();"/>
                <?php } ?>

And in javascript

    function calcularvalor() {

     var n1 = document.getElementById("necessidade").value;
     var n2 = document.getElementById("saldo").value;

     var solicitado = n1 - n2;

    //var n1 = parseInt(document.getElementById('n1').value, 10);
    //var n2 = parseInt(document.getElementById('n2').value, 10);

    document.getElementById('solicitado').value = solicitado;
  • Hello friend, I don’t know much about Datatables, but I believe that you should not directly manipulate Ids, but use the Datatables API for this. Check this out, see if it helps: date()

  • Whoa, thanks for the tip man, I took a look and it seems that this way also to solve the problem, I’ll see if I can do using this method.

  • Wonderful. It’s the right way. Always prefer to use what’s in the documentation rather than manipulate DOM directly, since if you change the structure of how the data will be shown, the information in the API will hardly change (just because you changed the structure, you know?). That is, it is less laborious to read the documentation and do it the right way than to do it. haha

1 answer


Remove all repeated id’s. You cannot repeat the same id on more than one element on the page.

Send the this for the function calcularvalor in the onfocus:


The this will be the input in the function, and you search the inputs of the columns necessidade and saldo using .closest("tr").find("nome do input") and takes the value with .val().

The .closest("tr") selects the entire line and the .find("nome do input") will fetch on the line all the element by name. For example, to fetch the input for the balance on the same line:


Your code would look like this:


function calcularvalor(e) {

   var n1 = $(e).closest("tr").find("[name='necessidade[]']").val();
   var n2 = $(e).closest("tr").find("[name='saldo[]']").val();

   var solicitado = n1 - n2;


function verifica(){
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>

<table id="myTable">
            <input type="checkbox" name="selecionar[]" value="<?php echo $dados['codproduto'];?>" readonly>
            <input type="text" maxlength="4" name="codigo[]" value="<?php echo $dados['codproduto'];?>" onkeyup="somenteNumeros(this)"/>
         <td id="descricao">
            <?php echo $dados['descricao'];?>
            <input type="number" maxlength="4" name="necessidade[]" value="5" onchange="verifica(this)"/>
            <input type="number" maxlength="4" name="saldo[]" value="1" onchange="verifica(this)"/>
            <input type="number" maxlength="4" name="solicitado[]" value="0" onchange="verifica(this)" onfocus="calcularvalor(this);"/>
            <input type="checkbox" name="selecionar[]" value="<?php echo $dados['codproduto'];?>" readonly>
            <input type="text" maxlength="4" name="codigo[]" value="<?php echo $dados['codproduto'];?>" onkeyup="somenteNumeros(this)"/>
         <td id="descricao">
            <?php echo $dados['descricao'];?>
            <input type="number" maxlength="4" name="necessidade[]" value="10" onchange="verifica(this)"/>
            <input type="number" maxlength="4" name="saldo[]" value="5" onchange="verifica(this)"/>
            <input type="number" maxlength="4" name="solicitado[]" value="0" onchange="verifica(this)" onfocus="calcularvalor(this);"/>

When you focus on column input solicitado, will call the function and subtract the values.

  • very good man! I liked the solution and did not find it difficult to understand, I am still layman in Javascript I need to go deeper to learn other functions, I’ve seen and even used find but I did not know that I could get the name of the input this way. Thanks for helping and adding more knowledge to me, very grateful!

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