I have a problem with the function of the edit button. I can edit the first word correctly, but when I click edit a checkbox, I edit this text. The other textp is also edited. And so on. All texts are edited instead of just the text that was clicked.
<h2>Check Box</h2>
<div id="lista">
<input id="teste" name="teste" type="checkbox" class="normal">
<label for="teste" >Teste</label>
<a class="remove" href="#">Remover</i></a>
<a class="edit" href="#">Editar</i></a>
<div class="add_box">
<input id="adicionarTxt" type="text">
<button id="adicionarBtn">Adicionar</button>
<div class="edit_box">
<input id="editarTxt" type="text">
<button id="editarBtn">Editar</button>
<button id="backBtn"><i class="fas fa-undo"></i></button>
<div class="controler">
<button id="checkAll">CheckAll</button>
<button id="Uncheck">Uncheck all</button>
<button id="inverter">Inverter Seleção</button>
<script src="jquery-3.4.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="app.js"></script>
//-----------------------------Adicionar Elemento
var cont=0;
$('#adicionarBtn').on('click', function(){
if ($('#adicionarTxt').val()) {
var conteudo = $('#adicionarTxt').val().padStart(25, " ");
/*$('#lista form').append('<div><input id="'+ cont +'" type="checkbox" name="'+ cont +'" class="normal"><label for="'+ cont +'" data-target="'+ cont +'">'+ conteudo +'</label><a class="remove" href="#"><i class="far fa-trash-alt"></i></a><a class="edit" href="#" data-click="'+ cont +'"><i class="fas fa-pencil-alt"></i></a>');*/
$('#lista form')
.append($("<input>", {
id: cont,
type: "checkbox",
name: cont,
class: "normal"}))
.append($("<label>", {
for: cont,
"data-target": cont,
text: conteudo}))
.append($("<a>", {
class: "remove",
href: "#"})
.append($("<i>", {class: "far fa-trash-alt"})))
.append($("<a>", {
class: "edit",
href: "#",
"data-click": cont})
.append($("<i>", {class: "fas fa-pencil-alt"}))));
console.log(conteudo + " Adicionado!");
//-----------------------------Editar Elemento
var $target = $(this).prev().prev();
$(document).on('click','#editarBtn', function(){
var edit = $('#editarTxt').val();
The code only shows a checkbox.
– Sam
I think you’re confusing the terminology within IT jargon. I understand that the verb edit for some professions means delete and for others means produce, within the jargon of computer science means making modifications. From a revised text of your question, as it is vague.
– Augusto Vasques
I modified the question by adding the "Add" function, I believe you are now right.
– user124107