Error of procedure call


Viewed 22 times


I’m having a problem calling one procedure within a function in the SQL. When I call the function CHECK_LOGIN for SGBD, does the operation without any problem, but I need to do this operation by a code in python and this is where the error occurs.

Python excerpt

cur.execute('select CHECK_LOGIN(%s, %s)', (header['USER_INFO']['NAME'], header['USER_INFO']['KEY']))

Bet the python go through this line of code it tests the validation and returns the value -1, however, it is not done the update user, keeping the fields user_key and valid valueless.

What could be the reason for the mistake? (code was tested on two different machines and the error continued to persist)

header['USER_INFO']['NAME'] contains a user name.

header['USER_INFO']['KEY'] contains a 32 character md5.


create table user(
    id integer not null auto_increment,
    name varchar(80) not null,
    login varchar(16) not null,
    user_key char(32),
    valid date,
    primary key(id)

create table login_info(
    id integer not null auto_increment,
    user integer not null,
    day date not null,
    key_access char(32) not null,
    primary key(id),
    foreign key(user) references user(id)


create procedure NEW_USER(IN uname varchar(80), IN ulogin varchar(16))
    insert into user(name, login, user_key) values(uname, ulogin, '');

create procedure FIRST_ACCESS(IN pid Integer, IN ukey char(32))
    DECLARE valid_day date;
    set valid_day = DATE_ADD(curdate(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH);

    update user set user_key = ukey, valid = valid_day where id = pid;

create function CHECK_LOGIN(ulogin varchar(16), ukey char(32)) returns Integer DETERMINISTIC
    DECLARE _id integer;
    DECLARE _key char(32);
    DECLARE _date date;

    select id into _id from user where login = ulogin;
    select user_key into _key from user where id = _id;

    if _key = '' then
        call FIRST_ACCESS(_id, ukey);
        return -1;
    elseif _key = ukey then
        select valid into _date from user where id = _id;
        if _date < curdate() then
            return 1;
        end if;
        return 0;
        return 2;
    end if;
    return 3;
end; $


1 answer


I found the Error.

I wasn’t saving the changes because you don’t hear the confirmation using the db.commit() before finalizing the database connection.

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