Swift - Pod Install Framework


Viewed 50 times


Gentlemen, good afternoon!

Where I work, we’re providing support for a customer who has an iOS app that uses multiple frameworks.

They opened an error call, we went to analyze and the error is happening because of an endpoint that is wrong.

The problem is that this endpoint is in a framework developed by themselves, which makes the call of any endpoint.

My question is the following, how to do to reflect the change of this framework in the project? Since the framework does not have a "podfile".

  • The links of the endpoints should be in a configuration file, I think q doesn’t have much choice but to ask them for the new files or ask for a modified Fw with the endpoints in files.

1 answer


Daniel, if the framework mentioned was developed by your client, you need to update it to work with the new endpoints.

If the project in which the framework is being used has no dependency manager configured (such as Cocoapods, or Carthage), probably need to update the framework manually. That is, copy the binary file compiled by the framework project to the project structure of the application in question.

  • Hello, that’s right. We changed the framework but it wasn’t building. Dai we discovered that in Xcode it was necessary to enable an option for you to build the framework together with the build of the project.

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