I need to know how to read a specific document I saved on Firestore
, without having to copy "documentPath" manually from the Firestore Cloud Console!
How does it automatically?
Next, I put part of the code where is the "documentPath" that I need to configure:
DocumentReference user = mFirestore.collection("Usuarios").document(idUsuario).collection("Empresas").document(**"documentPath"**)
It would be useful to add a small explanation to this code.
– ramaral
You can explain what this code does?
it queries a firebase document Dim Query As Query = docUsuario.Whereequalto("Statuslido", "N") Dim Querysnapshot As Querysnapshot = Await Query.Getsnapshotasync()
 For Each documentSnapshot As DocumentSnapshot In QuerySnapshot.Documents

 Dim doc As String = documentSnapshot.Id
 Dim snapshot As DocumentSnapshot = Await DocLista.GetSnapshotAsync()
– Cristiano Pimenta