good afternoon.
I am putting together a report in which I need to report in a column, products that have not had movement for more than 30 days. The field I use is of DATETIME pattern. Every time some drive information is inserted, it is added day and time. Example:
Produto A | OCORRÊNCIA | 01/06/2019 10:00:00
Produto A | OCORRÊNCIA | 01/06/2019 12:00:00
Produto A | OCORRÊNCIA | 01/06/2019 16:00:00
Produto A | OCORRÊNCIA | 10/07/2019 10:00:00
In this case I would need to inform you that product A was more than 30 days without movement. I do not know what I can use to verify this logic, since I have only one field that field to do the manipulation. I tried with having but I couldn’t.
Use the MAX aggregation function, together with the GROUP BY product clause, and in the WHERE clause only the maximum dates that are less than the current date - 30 days.
– anonimo
It worked, thank you very much!