I have the code below that decrypts an example X value (|xB779A:6AA6=@6::@7 and would look like http://seusite.com) however I do not know how to do the reverse, I wanted to make an application that encrypts this X value of the example.
type I have the value http://www.seusite.com.br and wanted to encrypt that amount
follows the code
private static string Descrypt(string source, short shift)
int num = Convert.ToInt32('\uffff');
int num2 = Convert.ToInt32('\0');
char[] array = source.ToCharArray();
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
int num3 = Convert.ToInt32(array[i]) + shift;
if (num3 > num)
num3 -= num;
else if (num3 < num2)
num3 += num;
array[i] = Convert.ToChar(num3);
return new string(array);
Webbrowser1.Url = new Uri(Descrypt("|xB779A:6AA6=@6::@7", -8) + "1.1.php", UriKind.Absolute);
Thank you very much...
– Rodrigo Pretti Fantin