How to delete HTML elements using Javascript?


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I am trying to make a bingo in HTML/Javascript and at the moment I need to delete a table (card) registered as soon as the user click on the delete button, as I am a beginner in Javascript I went to several websites and tested several commands but none worked, anyone who knows help me. Here comes the code:

<!DOCUMENT html>
<html lang="pt-br">
        <meta charset="utf-8">
                #container {
                    display: flex;
                    flex-wrap: wrap;
                table {
                    border: 1px solid black; 
                    margin: 10px;
                    vertical-align: bottom;



        <input type="text" id="nome">
        <input type="button" name="Criar" value="Cadastrar" id="botao">
        <div id="container"></div>

                var nome = window.document.getElementById('nome')
                var botao = window.document.getElementById('botao')

                function clicar_botao(){
                    var elemento_bisavo = document.getElementById('container');
                    var elemento_avo = document.createElement('table');
                    var elemento_pai = document.createElement('tr');
                    var elemento_filho = document.createElement('th');
                    var elemento_filho2 = document.createElement('th');
                    var botao_apaga = document.createElement('input');
                    var texto = document.createTextNode(nome.value);


                    function click(){


NOTE: the code to delete the table should be inside the click function, the most I found was a property to make the table invisible, but still does not work.

  • / Have you tried? function click(){&#xA; document.getELementById('avo').remove();&#xA; document.getElementById('avo').remove();&#xA; }

  • I found this, I’ll test agr

  • If it works, give me a reputation ,I’ve published my answer. I hope I’ve helped.

2 answers


First you are creating elements with equal id’s, which is already wrong. An id should be unique on the page.

Another problem is that you are using click() as a function, which cannot because the click() is already a native Javascript function. You would have to use another name, such as clic, for example.

As you say you are a beginner in language, try to learn to name objects (functions, variables etc.) without using reserved names or native function names.

Another thing is that you put the function within another function. This will cause the onclick attribute you are using not to have access to the function because of the scope.

My suggestion is to create different id’s with a variable and go incrementing this variable and concatenating in the ids, thus generating different ids, passing to the function as parameter that will remove the created elements.


var ids = 1;
var nome = window.document.getElementById('nome')
var botao = window.document.getElementById('botao')

function clic(id){
   document.getElementById('avo'+id).outerHTML = '';

function clicar_botao(){
    var elemento_bisavo = document.getElementById('container');
    var elemento_avo = document.createElement('table');
    var elemento_pai = document.createElement('tr');
    var elemento_filho = document.createElement('th');
    var elemento_filho2 = document.createElement('th');
    var botao_apaga = document.createElement('input');
    var texto = document.createTextNode(nome.value);


#container {
     display: flex;
     flex-wrap: wrap;
 table {
     border: 1px solid black; 
     margin: 10px;
     vertical-align: bottom;
<input type="text" id="nome">
<input type="button" name="Criar" value="Cadastrar" id="botao">
<div id="container"></div>

  • But there’s only one element with the id = "grandfather", so I didn’t understand that of incrementing ids. Regarding the creation of the function I thought that if I created it outside it would be a mistake, since the item n had been created; on the click I thought it would only be activated when it was inside the onclick attribute. Thanks for the explanations and tips, I will use from now on, only n understood msm the issue of ids

  • Each time you create the element increase ids. Ex.: avo1,avo2,avo3...

  • @Daniellucas The issue of id’s is this: see that you create elements on the page with the same id "avo" and "delete". There can be no more than one element on the page with the same id, it would be the same if my number were the same as yours. Regarding incrementing, I created a variable that starts from 1 and each time an element is created the +1 sum variable, that is, it starts from 1, then turns 2, 3, 4 etc... with that I create different id’s: avo1, avo2, avo3 etc...

  • @Daniellucas See also that not even putting id on the "delete" button was necessary, because it would be useless.

  • If you wanted to remove all use method for (i=1;i<ids;i++) {document.getElementById("avo"+i).remove(); }

  • ah, I understood agr, vlw of ninth by patience and explanation

  • @Daniellucas is welcome, young man. You already know what to do when an answer to your questions is satisfactory?

  • I was going to use the id "erase" to be able to pick up the button with getElement, but it wasn’t necessary to use this way

  • @Daniellucas When you are more familiar with the language, you will realize that you will use mt few times ids. Generally the excessive use of ids is of those who do not know mt language and find in ids an easy way to reach a goal, but most of the time it does is complicate more rs.. Abs!

  • @Sam press the button to mark as useful? I’m new here tbm kkk

  • I already voted for the ^....

  • I’m talking about your answer

  • @Maurydeveloper good idea, I’ll make a button to erase everything, vlw

  • @Daniellucas A tah, I understand.... you can vote yes if you want to give some extra points so you answered something that you found useful.

  • @Sam is why you had asked if I knew what to do when an answer was satisfactory, just press the one of the person who answered or does more?

  • You should mark only 1 reply with (the one you thought best) and you can vote for the answers you want, even the one you have marked ✔.

  • @Daniel Lucas Anything ask. I’m 100% online. Big hug and good luck in the developer career. Sam already voted in favor of you.

  • I do technical course at IFRN, but I plan to continue in the area. Thank you for the strength, hugging

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  • Vish, by remove n worked Aki, but thanks for responding :)

  • This was an example. I only gave a light to others to have better answers.

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