jQuery Mask does not work on elements created dynamically


Viewed 638 times


I’m using the jQuery Mask to format currency in a form, and in this form it is possible to add several values dynamically and for this I duplicate the div that contains the input, only when duplicating this div jQuery Mask stops working in this new input created, how can I solve this?


<div id="payment_draft">
    <div class="form-group col-xl-6">
        <label for="paid_value">Valor Pago</label>
        <input type="text" class="form-control money_format" name="paid_value">

<button class="btn_add_payment">Duplicar</button>

<script type="text/javascript">

    $('.money_format').mask('#.##0,00', {reverse: true});

    $(document).on('click', '.btn_add_payment', function(){

        var payment = $('#payment_draft');
        var container = $('.payments_container'); //adiciona em outra div

        var copy = payment.clone();



2 answers


Use the form below to apply the plugin automatically when the field gains focus, including fields cloned or dynamically added:

$(document).on("focus", ".money_format", function() { 
   $(this).mask('#.##0,00', {reverse: true});

See functioned:

$(document).on("focus", ".money_format", function() { 
   $(this).mask('#.##0,00', {reverse: true});

$(document).on('click', '.btn_add_payment', function(){

   var payment = $('#payment_draft');
   var container = $('.payments_container'); //adiciona em outra div
   var copy = payment.clone();
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery.mask/1.14.12/jquery.mask.min.js"></script>
<div class="payments_container">
   <div id="payment_draft">
       <div class="form-group col-xl-6">
           <label for="paid_value">Valor Pago</label>
           <input type="text" class="form-control money_format" name="paid_value">
<button class="btn_add_payment">Duplicar</button>

Note: when cloning the div, you are doubling the id="payment_draft". An id should be unique on the page. I suggest changing for class="payment_draft".

  • It worked perfectly! The "payment_draft" I put only here of example same, but it is not so there no, thanks!


Cloning an HTML won’t clone the eventListener pointing to the elements of this HTML.

How the mask of jQuery is a eventListener, you need to assign it to the cloned elements as well:

$(document).on('click', '.btn_add_payment', function(){

    var payment = $('#payment_draft');
    var container = $('.payments_container'); //adiciona em outra div

    var copy = payment.clone();
    copy.find('.money_format').mask('#.##0,00', {reverse: true});

  • Thank you, it worked, but there is some way to automatically assign?

  • Clone with payment.clone(true) should clone the listeners, but do not know how is the implementation of the mask you are using. I do not guarantee that will work.

  • Automatic in which way?

  • I used clone(true) and clone(true, true) which I saw would be "deep" and also did not work

  • @Maurydeveloper, automatic in the sense that Mask’s EventListener is "dynamic", any new element created with the class "money_format" would already work, it is possible?

  • Yes. But where do you want to create in html?

  • @Maurydeveloper, it has to work anywhere, Sam’s answer already solves that

  • I would add event on instead of focus.

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