adb error: The Connection to adb is down, and a Severe error has occurred


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I am developing for Android and am having the following error:

The connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occurred.
 -You must restart adb and Eclipse.
 Please ensure that adb is correctly located at 'C:\Program Files\Java\adt-bundle-windows-x86-20140321\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe' and can be executed.

This error occurs when trying to compile any project. I have already updated the eclipse, but the same thing happens!

I’ve seen that I had to, by the console, give a adb kill-server and then abd start. I did it but it didn’t solve the problem.

  • You’re using the Genymotion?

  • no, same device use. but with or without device connected from the same error

  • If you haven’t solved the problem yet, did close the eclipse, kill the processes of the adb (all) and open again?

  • Have you tried turning it off and on again?

  • @Warlock already went to see if the adb is really in the folder?

  • I am voting to close for the following reason: The question does not have an answer marked as accepted and because it is an Android error + Eclipse IDE will hardly be useful to anyone these days. - If I’m not mistaken Android no longer has the ADT Plugin for Eclipse IDE.

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3 answers


You saw if your device appears in the device options when vc runs the project ???

The (developer) option is unlocked and also turned on on your smartphone??

Do a test like this: Go on your project right click goes on RUN AS > RUN Configuration... In the tab (Target) check the first option ( Always prompt to pick device ) When you have your project run a window of options will appear of connected devices, in case none appears then it does not is finding your Smartphone.


  • This enabled the developer option, and I did what Voce said and continues giving the same error, with or without device connected, the error already gives at the time I order to run.


Task manager

Close process: ADB.exe

Close process: Eclipse.exe

  • Open the eclipse again.


1 - Via command, access your android folder on the path that contains adb.exe:

c: you_path android-sdk-windows Platform-tools\

2-Enter this command:

adb Kill-server && adb start-server

3- Press Enter

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