Save content from Quill editor "wysiwyg"


Viewed 480 times


I’m building a posting page I’m having a hard time implementing when picking up content.

  • Quill
  • Publisher

Thanks in advance for your help!

<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<script src=""></script>

<!--Função que manda o conteúdo da div para a textarea com o clique do botão-->
    $(() => {
        $('#saveDelta').click(() => {
            var valorDaDiv = $("#editor")
<!--div que contem o valor a ser repassa a textarea-->
<div id="editor" class="texteditor"><b>Digite o texto aqui!</b></div> <br>
<!-- form que com o botão que pega o conteúdo da div atualiza a textarea e salva no banco -->
<form action="/admin/novo_post" id="post" method="POST">
    <textarea name="post" id="post" cols="30" rows="10"></textarea>
    <button type="submit" id="saveDelta">Salvar</button>
<!--Quando retiro o form atualiza a textarea mas não salva no banco com o form o conteúdo da div não vem e salva a textarea no banco em branco-->
  var quill = new Quill('#editor', {
    theme: 'snow'

1 answer


You’re using the same id="post" both in the form and in the textarea. Exchange the form id for id="form", and the type of the button by button.

Take the HTML from the editor with $(".ql-editor").html(). The class .ql-editor refers to the editable div created by the plugin. Use a setTimeout to give a short delay before submitting the form, to first add the editor’s HTML to the textarea.

It will look like this HTML:

<form action="/admin/novo_post" id="form" method="POST">
    <textarea name="post" id="post" cols="30" rows="10"></textarea>
    <button type="button" id="saveDelta">Salvar</button>

And the JS:

$(() => {
      var valorDaDiv = $(".ql-editor").html();
      }, 50);
  • how could I be recovering images passed by that editor Quill ?

  • you want to take the path of images?

  • actually write to the server. how does this guy here, as per this Issue: . But for me it does not fire the event imageHandler

  • You need to upload the image to some server. In the example you passed, it seems to me that it uses an API that sends the image to a server. I don’t know how this works.

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