Problems with date format


Viewed 217 times


I am developing a system using C# MVC and Jquery UI and at the moment I am having problems with date formats, in inputs is the date in the correct format "dd/mm/yyyy" but the server is receiving the date in the format "mm/dd/yyyy".

Apparently the Culture of the web.config that is correct:

<globalization culture="pt-BR" uiCulture="pt-BR" enableClientBasedCulture="true"  requestEncoding="utf-8"/>

The Datepicker also seems to be in the correct format, as it is showing all the information of the months in Portuguese and when I select a date comes in the correct format.

  • Just remember that this tag applies server-side formatting. Have you explicitly defined somewhere that Datepicker uses the dd/mm/yyyy format? Tested using a date > 12 (30/10/2014)?

2 answers



Friend you can as much as convert it using javascript, from the current format to the form of the server.

  function converterData(dataString){
       split = dataString.split('/');
      return novadata = split[1] + "/" +split[0]+"/"+split[2];


or with C# (from the jquery server)

class Program
    static String Main(){
       string str = "11/30/2014";
       string[] data = str.Split('/');
       return data[1] + "/" + data[0] + "/" +data[2];  
  • 1

    These transformations should be transparent, not dependent on string manipulator functions created by the programmer. That’s why we have Globalization libraries, so native of . NET (as quoted by the author of the question), as quoted in the answer given by the Roma.

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