What is the difference between PWA and TWA (Trusted Web Activities)?


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I happened to be watching the Chrome novelty, and I saw a post Using Trusted Web Activities, it says:

Trusted Web Activities are a new way to Integrate your web-app content such as your PWA with your Android app using a Protocol based on Custom Tabs.

In this article you mention that TWA needs a PWA, so we need to meet PWA requirements to have a TWA. But, it does not mention any direct advantage of TWA in relation to PWA, except the possible fact of being able to publish it in the Play Store.

Is TWA just a PWA posted on Google Play? Is it possible to publish outside the Play Store? What is the difference between TWA and a PWA, or rather, a Webviewer and a TWA?

1 answer


The main point of a TWA is to actually be available in the Play Store (as an APK) and so it needs to conform to its rules, on the other hand it gains some rights (minimum) that before could not with a PWA and integrates better with the browser. I see no reason to publish outside the Play Store, there are no clear advantages to be interested in.

There are some other small details that make the application can run slightly differently, one of these points is that it can run inside an application or as an isolated application, but both use a Webview.

TWA, at least so far, is something only supported by Chrome.

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