when typing the command flutter doctor
cmd displays the following error:
Error: The Flutter directory is not a clone of the Github project. The flutter tool requires Git in order to Operate properly; to set up Flutter, run the following command: git clone -b stable https://github.com/flutter/flutter.git
I’ve already changed the installation path variables, reinstalled git and nothing worked, I’ve already run the command from inside the folder and unfortunately nothing happened. Could someone help me?
He’s complaining that Git isn’t looking for a clone or something. I don’t use Git so I don’t know how to fix it, but I recommend looking for something like this and see if there are any automatic settings active and try another editor (MS Code or Android Studio) and see if the same happens. Also see if in windows there is a configuration stored on disk with respect to some editor or extension that uses Git and try to delete.
– Edeson Bizerril