Help with C code


Viewed 55 times


In the code below the intention was to create a vector with 10 spaces, then receive 10 values typed by the user, check if the values are equal or less than 0 and assign the value 1 in these cases, but I did something wrong that he does this procedure only with the first number inserted, the rest remains, I imagine the loop is wrong, but I didn’t understand how to fix...

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  • Your third is (impression of the resulting vector) is within the second when it should be after the end of the second (test and replace all negatives).

  • Also remembering that if your array has size 10, the indices of this array will be between 0 and 9, not between 0 and 10 as in your code. Allocating a value at position 10 may not generate an immediate error, but you will be allocating a value in a memory space that does not belong to the array, and may even overwrite a value being used by another part of the program.

1 answer


As already said in other comments you are missing in the famous "off-by-one", IE, you are accessing a position outside of your array.

When we declare arrays, what is placed between brackets is the size of the array, not the final index you want. That is to say:

int numeros[10];

Creates the array called numeros that can store only 10 ints, so the indexes range from 0 to 9.

Their laços for iteram from 0 to 10, then you are accessing 11 positions and not 10 and therefore accessing a position outside the array.

Now the second part of the error is due to how you are trying to apply the proposed algorithm and this subdivides into 2 errors:

  1. According to the proposed algorithm, you need to go through the array once to change the values that are <= 0 and another for out of that to then print the result, but you did 2 laços for nested...
  2. Besides having the 2 laços for aninhados, you used the same control variable in 2. Then when the second is over, i has value 11 then when the first goes will check if i <= 10, as i is 11 he does not perform.

Arranging the code to assign the 1 correctly and without extrapolating the limit of the array is like this:

for( i = 0; i < 10; ++i )
    if( X[i] <= 0 )
        X[i] = 1;

Now just do the laço for of impression after that laço for fully execute.

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