Create iCalendar file using PHP


Viewed 953 times


Wanted to create iCalendar file (extension .ics) to save and reload the file contents to a PHP calendar. Save days, events, start and end of each event, etc. What is the format of this file type, and how to create one with PHP?

1 answer



class ICS {
    var $data;
    var $name;
    function ICS($start,$end,$name,$description,$location) {
        $this->name = $name;
        $this->data = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\nVERSION:2.0\nMETHOD:PUBLISH\nBEGIN:VEVENT\nDTSTART:".date("Ymd\THis\Z",strtotime($start))."\nDTEND:".date("Ymd\THis\Z",strtotime($end))."\nLOCATION:".$location."\nTRANSP: OPAQUE\nSEQUENCE:0\nUID:\nDTSTAMP:".date("Ymd\THis\Z")."\nSUMMARY:".$name."\nDESCRIPTION:".$description."\nPRIORITY:1\nCLASS:PUBLIC\nBEGIN:VALARM\nTRIGGER:-PT10080M\nACTION:DISPLAY\nDESCRIPTION:Reminder\nEND:VALARM\nEND:VEVENT\nEND:VCALENDAR\n";
    function save() {
    function show() {
        header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$this->name.'.ics"');
        Header('Content-Length: '.strlen($this->data));
        Header('Connection: close');
        echo $this->data;

Output ICS file to the browser and give the user the option to open or save

$event = new ICS ( "2009-11-06 09:00", "2009-11-06 21:00" , "Test Event" , "Este é um evento feito por Jamie Bicknell", "GU1 1AA");
? >

Save the ICS file to the server in the current working directory

$event = new ICS ( "2009-11-06 09:00", "2009-11-06 21:00" , "Test Event" , "Este é um evento feito por Jamie Bicknell", "GU1 1AA");

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