How to display JS objects in view


Viewed 411 times


There’s already a question from our friend Vinicius Scaramel with this problem, however there is no solution, so come on:

I’m bringing an object in shape JSON via http.get in the Ionic, (using Angularjs), but when displaying it on view with {{}} it only displays [object Object], and does not display my object itself... I’m already losing my hair trying to solve. Let’s go to code:

Function of my representative GET

    return this.http.get(this.LINK + "/chamadoSelecionado");

my array receiving my object through the GET

ionViewDidLoad() { //funcao que é executada quando abre a view
  console.log('ionViewDidLoad ChamadoPage');
  this.ChamadosProvider.getChamadoSelecionado().subscribe(    // chamando minha funcao que da o GET na minha api, e retorna o objeto
    data => {
      const objeto_retorno = JSON.parse((data as any)._body); // inserindo na variavel os dados que preciso que estão em data._body (convertido em objeto atraves do JSON.parse)
      this.objetoChamadoSelecionado = objeto_retorno;   //atribuindo o objeto ao meu array
      }, error => {

so far everything is going very well, giving a console.log in my variable that received the return of JSON this beautiful: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Code of my View




<ion-content padding >

<div ><p>{{objetoChamadoSelecionado}}</p></div>


Here is where it should display my object, but it displays only that inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

I tried already


for example, and I can’t get anything... The strangest thing of all is that on another page I have a return of a list of objects using a *ngFor works...

2 answers


You yourself answered your question at the end rs, just use *ngFor:

    <ion-item *ngFor="let item of objetoChamadoSelecionado">
        <div ><p>{{ item.numero }}</p></div>


Just like that:

{{ Objectscall | json }}

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