What are the possible causes of "Connection reset by peer: Fastcgi: Comm with server aborted" error and how to fix it?


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According to some responses in the OS, such as this and this, it seems that the error occurs because it ends the max_execution_time, but it was not clear to me what are the possible causes and how to solve this error.

The mistake is basically this:

(104)Connection reset by peer: [client XXXX] Fastcgi: Comm with server "/home/site/www/php7.0.Xternal" aborted: read failed, referer: https://www.google.com/

What can cause this error, and how to solve the possible causes?

  • Apparently the execution of the script is being extended, but this way there is no way to be sure. It can be an infinite loop, a bug, resource shortage in the system or something else. It is possible to display a little more information?

  • @jcbrtl I only have this log anyway, but I think the answer is right in the line of your comment. If you can post as an answer elaborating a little more is enough for me, I’m not trying to solve a mistake, just learn more about the possible causes... thanks abs

1 answer


This error is generic and may vary depending on the situation:

  1. The response of the execution is very large and because of that the connection is interrupted;
  2. Server network problem (or limitation), which causes the connection to be interrupted in X-time of execution;
  3. Is there any proxy on the server that stops the connection while running;
  4. Memory limitation;
  5. High CPU consumption;
  6. Configuration of -Idle-timeout in Fastcgi;

In any case there is no way to say how to solve, will have to investigate what is causing the timeout as possible causes.

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