Consider the following code snippet:
decimal myValue = 3.045M;
Console.WriteLine("Result by Math.Round = " + Math.Round(myValue, 2));
Console.WriteLine("Result by string.Format = " + string.Format(CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("pt-BR"), "{0:C}", myValue));
The results are:
// Result by Math.Round = 3.04
// Result by string.Format = R$3,05
I know the Math.Round()
uses IEEE 754, section 4, in accordance with that documentation, also called standard Banker’s rounding.
But why the string.Format()
as the specified crop returns a different result? I realized that the result is the same for different crops, as if the rounding method were different from the Math.Round()
This document from the IBGE agrees with the IEEE standard.
What is the reason for the difference and what method would be the most appropriate for financial systems?