Large images corrupted or truncated when pulling from SQL server with PHP


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I am searching images from the SQL-server database through PHP and jQuery+AJAX. The image when it is small loads everything full, but when the image is a bit large from this error in Javascript:

Image Corrupt or truncated: data:image/jpg;Base64,/9j/4TSPRXhpZgASUkqAAAAAAAAAA4BAgAAAA2gAAAA8BAgAFAAAAAAAA+gAAABAB...

And the image is as below, I have already made a test opening a direct PHP page without the use of jQuery+AJAX and gives the same problem, so I believe the problem is in PHP or SQL-server.

mssql_connect('', 'sa', 'senhaDoBanco');
$query = "exec sp_funcionarioDetalhes";            
$result = mssql_query($query);
$obj = mssql_fetch_object($result);
header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
echo $array[1]->fun_foto;

I’ll be more technical, so maybe someone will give more importance to the problem. I’ll run all the codes. job fileDetails.html

 * Maison K. Sakamoto 03/11/2014 - Funcionário Detalhes
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                    window.location = '../index.php';
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<div class="container_12">    
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            <fieldset class="ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all listaFuncionario">
                <div id="div_fun" class="grid_3 alpha"></div>

        <div class="grid_11 omega">                
            <fieldset class="grid_2 alpha coluna1"> <legend>FILIAL</legend>     <input id="fun_filial" type="text" readonly=""/> </fieldset>
            <fieldset class="grid_2 alpha coluna1"> <legend>NASCIMENTO</legend> <input id="fun_dt_nascimento" type="text" readonly=""/> </fieldset>
            <fieldset class="grid_2 alpha coluna1"> <legend>ADMISSÃO</legend>   <input id="fun_dt_admissao" type="text" readonly=""/> </fieldset>
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            <fieldset class="grid_2 alpha coluna1"> <legend>CPF</legend>        <input id="fun_cpf" type="text" /> </fieldset>
            <fieldset class="grid_2 alpha coluna1"> <legend>PIS</legend>        <input id="fun_pis" type="text" readonly=""/> </fieldset>
            <fieldset class="grid_2 alpha coluna1"> <legend>CTPS</legend>       <input id="fun_ctps" type="text" readonly=""/> </fieldset>
            <fieldset class="grid_2 alpha coluna1"> <legend>SALÁRIO</legend>    <input id="fun_salario" type="text" readonly=""/> </fieldset>                

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            <fieldset class="grid_2 alpha coluna1"> <legend>CEP</legend>        <input id="fun_cep" type="text" readonly=""/> </fieldset>
            <fieldset class="grid_2 alpha coluna1"> <legend>CIDADE</legend>     <input id="fun_cidade" type="text" readonly=""> </fieldset>
            <fieldset class="grid_4 alpha coluna1"> <legend>CARGO</legend>     <input id="fun_cargo" type="text" readonly=""> </fieldset>                

            <fieldset class="grid_8 alpha coluna1"> <legend>AÇÕES</legend>
                <button id="btGravar" >Gravar Alteração</button>
                <button id="btListaFerias">Imprimir Lista de Férias</button>
                <button id="btDadosFun">Imprimir Dados do Funcionário</button>

            <fieldset class="grid_2 alpha coluna1 foto"> <legend>FOTO</legend>  <div id="fun_foto"></div> </fieldset>

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Job fileDetails.js


var fun= {};

    $('#btGravar').click(function(){ });
    $('#btListaFerias').click(function(){ });
    $('#btDadosFun').click(function(){ });

    var array = custom.ajax(new Object(),'buscarFuncionarios','../view/rh/vFuncionarioDetalhes.php');

            source: json, width: 280, height: 500, selectedIndex: 0,
            displayMember: 'fun_nome', valueMember: 'fun_id'
    $("#div_fun").bind('select', function(event){
        if (event.args){
            var obj = event.args.item.originalItem;
    var t = $("#div_fun").jqxListBox('getSelectedItem');

fun.preencheForm = function(obj){
    $("#fun_filial").val( obj.unidade );
    $("#fun_dt_nascimento").val( obj.fun_dt_nascimento );
    $("#fun_dt_admissao").val( obj.fun_dt_admissao );
    $("#fun_dt_demissao").val( obj.fun_dt_demissao );
    $("#fun_dt_ferias").val( obj.fun_dt_ferias );
    $("#fun_cargo").val( obj.fun_cargo );
    $("#fun_cpf").val( obj.fun_cpf );
    $("#fun_pis").val( obj.fun_pis );
    $("#fun_ctps").val( obj.fun_ctps_numero + "" +obj.fun_ctps_serie+ " " +obj.fun_ctps_uf);
    $("#fun_salario").val( obj.fun_salario );
    $("#fun_endereco").val( obj.fun_endereco +' \r\nNº '+obj.fun_n_endereco+' \r\n'+obj.fun_bairro );
    $("#fun_cep").val( obj.fun_cep );
    $("#fun_cidade").val( obj.fun_cidade );    
    //$("#fun_foto").empty().append( $('<img>').attr('src',"data:image/png;base64," + obj.fun_foto) );
    var img = $('<img>').attr('src',"data:image/jpg;base64," + obj.fun_foto);
    $("#fun_foto").empty().append( img );


vFunctioning.php file (Viewer)

include_once '../../controller/OpenDB.php';
include_once '../../controller/ColFuncionario.php';


$colFuncionario = new ColFuncionario();
$c = new OpenDB();                                                  // CLASSE DO BANCO DE DADOS    

$funcao = $_REQUEST['funcao'];    

function buscarFuncionarios(){
    global $colFuncionario; 
    global $c;
    $array = $colFuncionario->buscarFuncionarios();
    echo json_encode( $array );

File Colfuncionario.php ( controller )

 * Autor: Maison K. Sakamoto
 * Revisao: 0
 * Data: 25/07/2012
 * Descricao: 
 * Controle de Funcionario
class ColFuncionario{

        public function __construct(){


        public function inserirFuncionario($obj){
            $query = "insert into tab_funcionario(cargo_id,func_nome,func_hab,func_hab_venc,func_cpf) values 
            return "mysql_info: ".mysql_info()."<br/>"."mysql_error: ".mysql_error()."<br/>query: ".$query;

        public function getCargos(){
            $query = "select * from tab_cargo";
            $result = mysql_query($query);
            while($obj = mysql_fetch_object($result)){
                $array[] = $obj;
            return $array;

        public function getMotoristas(){
            $query = "select * from tab_funcionario where cargo_id = 1 and func_inativo is null ORDER BY func_nome";
            $result = mysql_query($query);
            while($obj = mysql_fetch_object($result)){
                $array[] = $obj;
            return $array;

        public function buscarFuncionarios(){
            //ini_set('mssql.charset', 'UTF-8');
            $query = "exec sp_funcionarioDetalhes";            
            $result = mssql_query($query);
            while($obj = mssql_fetch_object($result)){ 
                $obj->fun_nome = mb_convert_encoding($obj->fun_nome, 'UTF-8');
                $obj->fun_cidade = mb_convert_encoding($obj->fun_cidade, 'UTF-8');
                $obj->unidade = mb_convert_encoding($obj->unidade, 'UTF-8');
                $obj->fun_endereco = mb_convert_encoding($obj->fun_endereco, 'UTF-8');
                $obj->fun_bairro = mb_convert_encoding($obj->fun_bairro, 'UTF-8');
                $obj->fun_cargo = mb_convert_encoding($obj->fun_cargo, 'UTF-8');
                $obj->fun_foto = base64_encode( $obj->fun_foto);
                $array[] = $obj;                 
            return $array;

File Opendb.php

class OpenDB{
    public function conCordilheira(){   

        //1 passo - Conecta ao servidor SQL 2008 R2 Cordilheira
        $conn = mssql_connect('', 'sa', 'senhaDoBanco');

        //$conn = sqlsrv_connect( $serverName, $connectionInfo);

        if( $conn ) {
            return $conn;
             //echo "Connection established.<br />";
             echo "Connection could not be established.<br />";
             die( print_r(mssql_erro(), true));


outworking inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

2 answers


I have no experience with MSSQL, but you can try to change the values of these three directives in PHP.INI, preferably one at a time and see which one really worked, so if you do, you will help the community yourself.

mssql.textsize  = 2147483647
mssql.textlimit = 2147483647
odbc.defaultlrl = "100K"

One consideration to be made with respect to the third option is that, by the documentation, the value to be passed is an integer, representing the number of bytes that will be passed to the variables when long fields are read however, according to that answer in SOEN, at runtime, you can define a string.

To set a value to a PHP directive at runtime, use ini_set():

ini_set("odbc.defaultlrl", "100K");

In the example above it was set 100K that would be 96K more than the standard.

It is worth noting that the other two directives are already at the maximum permitted values and may not be changed via ini_set() in older versions of PHP.

I hope it helps

  • I’ll test these for 1 me.

  • didn’t work out :(

  • Just for the record, the two directives that needed to be made in PHP.INI were uncommented and after they were changed you restarted the server, right? And the other, you invoked ini_set() before making the query to the field in question, right?

  • now it worked out, I tested it right p/ see which parameter does the magic, is mssql.textsize, I did not know the size of the images, but it has more than 2mb each one, and I pulled in an array of I don’t know how many employees, now I will arrange in php p/ decrease these images before sending via ajax p/ page, thanks even.


As it works for small images, it may be memory problem, try to increase the memory available for PHP and your database.

Increase memory php.ini

memory_limit = 64M


php_value_memory_limit 64M

Try to increase the memory somehow and test the code again, who really knows is this.

  • I’ll check and get back to you

  • the two parameters are already with 128M

  • Put more than that, I think 128 is little. It doesn’t hurt to try.

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