Importarror: No module named 'openpyxl'...python Raspberry...appears this error in Raspberry on my micro works well...what can it be?


Viewed 170 times


I made a small program in python in my note to use with Raspberry, tested and worked well.... when step pro Raspberry it does not find the file openpyxl...has installed the openpyxl in Raspberry by the sudo method Pip install note works well in Raspberry appears this error below:

Python 3.5.3 (default, Sep 27 2018, 17:25:39) [GCC 6.3.0 20170516] on linux Type "copyright", "Credits" or "License()" for more information.

======== RESTART: /home/pi/Documents/Python Works/ ======== Traceback (Most recent call last): File "/home/pi/Documents/Python Works/", line 5, in import openpyxl Import: No module named 'openpyxl'

1 answer


try to make pip3 install openpyxl

  • And that if the rasp has installed python2 and python 3 the way you are using Pip will install by default in python2 and when you run python3 will give pk error not encoding module

  • Hi Hugo worked out...thank you very much....

  • Mark as correct to help other people

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