Fitdist problems in beta distribution


Viewed 95 times


I am using fitdist to estimate the parameters of the beta distribution and adjust them to a data set as follows as it presents the codes. I would like to understand why it is not adjusting to the data. The codes are attached. The figure shows the non-variation of the curve in the background histogram, which may be?


dados1 <- scan(text = "
36.6 33.8 37.8 34.0 32.7 31.8 31.7 36.5 32.7
  33.0 36.9 32.6 33.2 34.0 34.3 33.0 30.4 30.0
  30.6 30.2 33.6 35.8 35.6 36.8 36.8 33.3 33.2
  35.2 35.4 35.0 36.4 36.8 37.4 32.6 32.8 31.4
  31.5 34.4 35.2 38.5 38.3 35.9 37.7 34.0 35.6
  35.1 32.4 35.6 34.5 34.6 34.7 34.3 32.4 31.8
  31.8 36.4 34.1 35.7 34.4 37.1 35.0 31.0 36.5
  28.8 28.3 29.4 28.3 30.9 31.3 35.4 34.0 35.9
  33.4 33.6 33.3 30.0 32.6 27.0 27.0 26.4 23.8
  24.4 26.8 27.6 30.2 28.7 30.4 34.4 35.6 31.0
  33.2 36.6 37.9 34.5 35.0 31.5 37.9 36.5 31.0
 32.0 32.5 36.2 35.3 33.6 31.9 27.8 31.2 31.8
 35.1 36.6 36.8 31.7 30.0 31.5 32.2 34.9 35.7
 38.2 38.5 36.2 33.4 33.0 32.0 31.8


####################Estimação dos Modelos########################
Gamm1 = fitdist(data = dados1, distr = "gamma")

Weibull1 = fitdist(data = dados1, distr = "weibull")

lnorm1 = fitdist(data = dados1, distr = "lnorm")

beta1 = fitdist((data=dados1)/40, distr="beta")

rm(dgumbel) ## get rid of previous definition
## hack behaviour of VGAM::pgumbel() a little bit
pgumbel <- function(x,...) {
  if (length(x)==0) numeric(0) else VGAM::pgumbel(x,...)

gumbel1 <- fitdist(dados1, "gumbel", 
                     start=list(location=10, scale=10))

norm1 = fitdist(data = dados1, distr = "norm")

########################### Graphics ###########################
hist(dados1, probability = T, ylab = NULL, 
     main = "Distribuição Gamma", xlab = NULL, ylim = c(0,0.15),cex = 1.5)
curve(dgamma(x, shape=Gamm1$estimate[1], rate=Gamm1$estimate[2]), 
      add=T, lwd = 2, lty = 5, col ="red")

hist(dados1, probability = T, ylab = NULL, ylim = c(0,0.15),
     main = "Distribuição Weibull ", xlab = NULL, cex = 1.5)
curve(dweibull(x, shape=Weibull1$estimate[1], scale=Weibull1$estimate[2]), 
      add=T, lwd = 2, col ="red")

hist(dados1, probability = T, ylab = NULL, ylim = c(0,0.15),
     main = "Distribuição Log-Normal ", xlab = NULL, cex = 1.5)
curve(dlnorm(x, lnorm1$estimate[1], lnorm1$estimate[2]), 
      add=T, lwd = 2, lty = 3, col ="red")

hist(dados1, probability = T, ylab = NULL,  ylim = c(0,0.15),
     main = "Distribuição Gumbel I", xlab = NULL, cex = 1.5)
curve(dgumbel(x, gumbel1$estimate[1], gumbel1$estimate[2]), 
      add=T, lwd = 2, lty = 2, col ="red")

hist(dados1, probability = T, ylab = NULL,  ylim = c(0,0.15),
     main = "Distribuição Normal", xlab = NULL, cex = 1.5)
curve(dnorm(x, norm1$estimate[1], norm1$estimate[2]), 
      add=T, lwd = 2,lty = 4, col ="red")

hist(dados1, probability = T, ylab = NULL,
     main = "Distribuição Beta", xlab = NULL, cex = 1.5)
curve(dbeta(x, beta1$estimate[1], beta1$estimate[2]),add=T,lwd = 2,lty = 4)

enter image description here

1 answer


The error is in trying to adjust a beta to data that is not in the range [0, 1], the beta distribution support. The data must first be transformed.

ScaleData <- function(x, na.rm = TRUE) {
  (x - min(x, na.rm = na.rm))/diff(range(x, na.rm = na.rm))

beta1 <- fitdistrplus::fitdist(ScaleData(dados1), 
                               distr = "beta",
                               method = "mme")
hist(ScaleData(dados1), prob = TRUE)
curve(dbeta(x, shape1 = beta1$estimate[1], shape2 = beta1$estimate[2]), 
      from = 0, to = 1,
      add = TRUE, lwd = 2, lty = 4)

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

The adjustment of the beta distribution is done with the moments method because there are values for which dbeta is zero, and therefore loglik is equal to -Inf. One way to resolve this is to eliminate the values in question.

i <- dbeta(ScaleData(dados1), 
           shape1 = beta1$estimate[1], 
           shape2 = beta1$estimate[2]) > 0

beta2 <- fitdistrplus::fitdist(ScaleData(dados1)[i], 
                               distr = "beta",
                               method = "mle")

#Fitting of the distribution ' beta ' by maximum likelihood 
#       estimate Std. Error
#shape1 3.082147  0.3921171
#shape2 1.690168  0.2015881

The values of the parameters are similar but not exactly equal. Now just use the above method to plot the graph.


dados1 <- scan(text = "
36.6 33.8 37.8 34.0 32.7 31.8 31.7 36.5 32.7
  33.0 36.9 32.6 33.2 34.0 34.3 33.0 30.4 30.0
  30.6 30.2 33.6 35.8 35.6 36.8 36.8 33.3 33.2
  35.2 35.4 35.0 36.4 36.8 37.4 32.6 32.8 31.4
  31.5 34.4 35.2 38.5 38.3 35.9 37.7 34.0 35.6
  35.1 32.4 35.6 34.5 34.6 34.7 34.3 32.4 31.8
  31.8 36.4 34.1 35.7 34.4 37.1 35.0 31.0 36.5
  28.8 28.3 29.4 28.3 30.9 31.3 35.4 34.0 35.9
  33.4 33.6 33.3 30.0 32.6 27.0 27.0 26.4 23.8
  24.4 26.8 27.6 30.2 28.7 30.4 34.4 35.6 31.0
  33.2 36.6 37.9 34.5 35.0 31.5 37.9 36.5 31.0
 32.0 32.5 36.2 35.3 33.6 31.9 27.8 31.2 31.8
 35.1 36.6 36.8 31.7 30.0 31.5 32.2 34.9 35.7
 38.2 38.5 36.2 33.4 33.0 32.0 31.8
  • Hello Rui, all right? Thank you very much! Can you tell me why the AIC is giving infinity?

  • @Brenogabriel I gave the answer right after the graph. I hope it’s clear.

  • @Brenogabriel Just one more note: the question is quite complete and so I voted up. But the example is not minimum, just one or two packets (MASS and fitdistrplus) and give one or two examples. The example where the error is and perhaps another example where it goes well to see what is intended

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