I made an example for testing using Viewdata, apparently it should work, but it is generating me a reference error, as message below.
The type or namespace name 'Student' could not be found
I made a reference to Ilist and Ienumerable and it doesn’t work, I’d appreciate it if someone could tell me some solution.
On my controller I have:
//classe aluno
public class Aluno
public string Nome { get; set; }
public double Idade { get; set; }
//action resulte para teste
public IActionResult About()
ViewData["Message"] = "Your application description page.";
IList<Aluno> alunos = new List<Aluno>();
alunos.Add(new Aluno { Nome = "Marcos", Idade = 5 });
alunos.Add(new Aluno { Nome = "Paulo", Idade = 10 });
alunos.Add(new Aluno { Nome = "Maria", Idade = 15 });
ViewData["RecebeAluno"] = alunos;
return View();
In view I have:
@foreach (var p in ViewData["RecebeAluno"] as List<Aluno>)
Within your View you need to do the
of the Student or put the reference with full path. Could add in the question thenamespace
complete of the Student class, so I can illustrate?– Barbetta
@Barbetta, perfect your answer, worked perfectly
– Harry