How to pass parameters via url to an application in React?


Viewed 7,589 times


I have an application in .Net MVC where I use the Session to store logged user data.

But within this application I have a screen made in React which will be accessed externally (that is, it is a separate project), but I need to pass the ID of the logged in .NET to the React.

How to carry this data and recover in React by url ?

Example of . Net URL:

 <li class="filtro"><a href="https://localhost:44324/@Session["IdUsuarioLogado"]" target="_blank"><i class="fas fa-tachometer-alt "></i> Operação</a></li>


Main screen that will receive the Operation.js parameter (React):

import React, { Component } from 'react';

export default class Operacao extends Component {

    constructor(props) {



    componentWillMount() {


    componentDidMount() {


    render() {
        return (



2 answers


Whereas you’re using the React Router:

In the route configuration, put the name of the parameter at the end of the path along with two points(:). Ex.: path="/:id"

<Route exact path="/:id" component={ component} />

In the component you take the parameter through the props:

Obs. id is an optional name, you can put the name you want.

For more details, see official documentation.


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