Rewrite Data from an Object List in HTML


Viewed 39 times


Hello, I have a List of objects that is being created in an Onget method and I need to get all the data from it to put in my html page, as I can recover this data?

List<string> MenuPrincipal = new List<string>();
int i = 1;
while (result.vfp.row[i].men == "_MSYSMENU")

It has string values, I’ve checked it... as for example, the MenuPrincipal[0], has value exemplo. And the MenuPrincipal[1], has value exemplo2.

Anyway, I need to get the exemplo, is an item from my menu in the navigation bar and the exemplo2, be another item of this same bar, and from them will come a submenu that will be filled in the same way, but later.

Help me please, thank you.

  • You need to go into more detail what you want. You want to turn each item of this List<string> into an html menu option?

  • Exactly @iamdlm

1 answer


To convert a string list to an HTML list you can use the following method (no recursiveness):

private void BuildList(List<string> menu)
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    foreach (string item in menu)
        sb.Append("<li>" + item + "</li>");                

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