How to get Dynamic Javascript from another site?


Viewed 53 times


Depending on the URL I use, data from Javasscript changes.

If I use the url:, Javascript will bring you player data 123, if I change player 123 to 456, Javascript below will bring player statistics 456.

    <script type="text/javascript">var imp_careerStats = [
"id": "0c8d010d-9d47-4f10-805e-544ae89996b9",
"playerId": "67059891",
"mode": 4,
"type": 2,
"lastUpdated": "2019-06-09T17:00:51.7847614Z",
"kills": {
  "value": 1,
  "key": "Kills",
  "percentile": 92.0,
  "displayName": "Kills",
  "displayType": "Number",
  "category": "Combat",
  "columnName": "kills",
  "displayValue": "1",
  "displayPercentile": "Top 8%"

How I can turn this Javascript into JSON?

  • Your question is very confusing, try to improve it.

  • See if it looks better for you now. What I need is to take the data of this javascript that is on another site and be able to use it, ideally put it as json

  • Comes with the tag <script type="text/javascript"> and all?

  • yes, come complete, I copied and pasted the example.

1 answer


You can use the JSON.parse(), but it is necessary to remove everything that is not object of the string, such as tags <script> and the array delimiters [ and ] (or ];, the semicolon after closing the array, if any).

For this you can use the .replace() with a regular expression that removes everything that is tag from the string, the array declaration and its bounding brackets, leaving only the object:

// "data" seria o retorno em forma de string
var data = `
<script type="text/javascript">var imp_careerStats = [
"id": "0c8d010d-9d47-4f10-805e-544ae89996b9",
"playerId": "67059891",
"mode": 4,
"type": 2,
"lastUpdated": "2019-06-09T17:00:51.7847614Z",
"kills": {
  "value": 1,
  "key": "Kills",
  "percentile": 92.0,
  "displayName": "Kills",
  "displayType": "Number",
  "category": "Combat",
  "columnName": "kills",
  "displayValue": "1",
  "displayPercentile": "Top 8%"

var json = data.replace(/<[^>]*>?|var imp_careerStats = \[|\](;)?/g, '').trim();
json = JSON.parse(json);

  • thanks for the reply, but how do I do that if javascript is on an external site I am not the owner?

  • I don’t understand the question.

  • i don’t have access to the site that contains javascript, so how do I copy this external javascript?

  • Then I no longer know. I based the answer on what you reported in the question, saying that it receives the script in string form.

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