Why doesn’t the <p> tag inherit your father’s color?


Viewed 108 times


I have the following very simple code

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="pt-br">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    p#father {
        color: red;

    p#child {
        color: inherit;
<p id="father">
    <p id="child">
        <p id="child2">
            filho 2


What happens is it was for the tag with id#child inherit the color: red of the paragraph id#father. And it doesn’t, because ?

2 answers


Your syntax is incorrect, you cannot have a paragraph <p>within another paragraph.

If you change the children to an allowed element (within the tag <p>) such as a <span> You will see that the children will automatically inherit their father’s color.

And if you want to change the color of a child just apply the css only to the desired child. See:

#father {
  color: red;

#child2 {
  color: green;
<p id="father" style="color:red">
    <span id="child">
        <span id="child2">
            filho 2

  • I came to post the answer and you already had put exactly what I would put +1

  • 1

    Whoa, thanks a colleague


The problem is that the Browser fixes your code. Just as Vinicius said, it is not appropriate to put a <p> within another. When vc does this the browser rendering engine does this with your code

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

So, with the browser automatically shutting down your <p> when you put inherit in fact he inherits the color of body and not from his father, for he has no father!

OBS: This behavior can change from browser to browser.

The Firefox also closes the <p> automatically and does not render a <p> within another...

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

OBS2: In HTML5 the tag <p> does not need a closing tag </p>, although I recommend using...

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Source: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/p

  • 2

    Thanks, hugocsl did not know this of the browser. And dear tu ta in every corner of stackoverflow ;)

  • @Leandronascimento hahaha according to my fiancée "I’m addicted to this little game" rss. But sharing the knowledge is very good, it was worth the force!

  • 2

    That’s right, knowledge is the key to the future. The world moves and we have to move along with it hehehe.

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