Touchscreen Keyboard - Limit the number of characters entered in javascript


Viewed 38 times


I’m working on a touchscreen keyboard, put the numbers from 0 to 9, clear key and enter. As the numbers are clicked they appear in a display.

To capture the clicked numbers I am using the following function:

function addNumber(e){
    var v = $( "#PINbox" ).val();
    $( "#PINbox" ).val( v + e.value );

How do I limit the amount of captured numbers by 5? Ex.: 12345 and no more numbers accepted.

Thanks in advance for your attention.

2 answers


You can check whether the field already contains the character limit defined at each iteration.

function addNumber(e){
    var v = $( "#PINbox" ).val();
    if( v.length < 5 )
        $( "#PINbox" ).val( v + e.value );

If you’re working with HTML can also try to set a range for the field (not sure it will work in this case). So you can add an attribute max which will specify as many as possible that you can enter.

<input type="number" max="99999" />

If you add a max and a min, may specify the permitted range of values:

<input type="number" min="1" max="99999" />
  • 2

    The <= is incorrect. It should just be <, otherwise it will accept 6 characters.

  • True @Sam, corrected the reply.

  • Dude, you don’t even need the else return false... only the if already resolves.


One way is to use one ternary operator in the .val(). If the number of characters is less than 5, it will concatenate the current value + the number clicked, otherwise it will keep the 5 numbers reached:

function addNumber(e){
   var v = $( "#PINbox" ).val();
   $( "#PINbox" ).val( v.length < 5 ? v + e.value : v );
<script src=""></script>
<input id="PINbox" type="text" readonly>
<button value="1" onClick="addNumber(this)">1</button>
<button value="2" onClick="addNumber(this)">2</button>
<button value="3" onClick="addNumber(this)">3</button>
<button value="4" onClick="addNumber(this)">4</button>
<button value="5" onClick="addNumber(this)">5</button>
<button value="6" onClick="addNumber(this)">6</button>
<button value="7" onClick="addNumber(this)">7</button>
<button value="8" onClick="addNumber(this)">8</button>
<button value="9" onClick="addNumber(this)">9</button>
<button value="0" onClick="addNumber(this)">0</button>
<button onClick="$('#PINbox').val('')">Limpar</button>

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