I use the following code to catch the start and end of the week.
pegaData() {
var agora;
var datainicial;
var datafinal;
agora = moment().format('DD-MM-YYYY');
if(agora = 'Thusday'){
datainicial = moment().subtract(4, 'days').calendar();
datainicial = moment().format('DD-MM-YYYY');
datafinal = moment().add(2, 'days').calendar();
datafinal = moment().format('DD-MM-YYYY');
And the code returns right the initial and final date, only not in the format I need, which would be 'DD-MM-YYYY'
But at the moment of conversion, as I call the Moment again, it converts the current date, as I can format the date without calling the Moment again?
Thank you very much man, where I saw about the day method Moment.js did not have, thank you very much for showing me it, helped too much!!!!
– Gustavo Oliveira