I use a system that works with the Oracle 11g database and I have the table (Tab_plavei) with the string field (Plavei), format UU9999. I need to adjust this field to the new standard of Mercosur boards, format UU9U99.
Which command SQL
should use to fix all the cards that have already been registered in the format UU9999 changing to the new format UU9U99, that is, change the 2nd numeric character or 5º of the string of the board, according to the standard table of Mercosul board:
string 0 -> A; 1 -> B; 2 -> C; 3 -> D; 4 -> E; 5 -> F; 6 -> G; 7 -> H; 8 -> I and 9 -> J.
Thanks for the help!
would not be the
?– Ricardo Pontual
yes, but if possible the full code
– Mauri
ah want a complete code? sorry but I guess that’s not the purpose of the OS.. . here we help to solve a problem, not to solve completely... of a look at the command
, try how far you can solve, post your code here explaining what you did and what problem we can help you best– Ricardo Pontual