Sum of SQL accumulated value


Viewed 1,782 times


I have a stock value and need to display the information of the stock movement based on invoice.

Table Drive

Cod | Tipo | NumeroNota | Quantidade | DataEmissao | Material
 1  |  S   |    12312   |    1       |  2019-05-16 |     1
 2  |  S   |    12313   |    4       |  2019-05-17 |     1
 3  |  E   |    12316   |    10      |  2019-05-17 |     1
 4  |  S   |    12317   |    9       |  2019-05-18 |     1
 5  |  S   |    12323   |    6       |  2019-05-20 |     1
 6  |  S   |    12325   |    12      |  2019-05-20 |     1
 7  |  E   |    12333   |    3       |  2019-05-24 |     1

The column Tipo refers to the entry and exit, represented by the initial letters..

Historical Stock Table

Cod | DataEstoque | Quantidade | Material
 1  |  2019-05-16 |     24     |    1         -> Antes da data tinha 25
 2  |  2019-05-17 |     30     |    1
 3  |  2019-05-18 |     21     |    1
 4  |  2019-05-19 |     21     |    1
 5  |  2019-05-20 |     3      |    1
...                                           -> repete a mesma quantidade para os dias sem movimentação
 9  |  2019-05-24 |     6      |    1

Having knowledge of the table above, what I imagine is to take the stock in the table HistoricoEstoque based on the final date (HistoricoEstoque.DataEstoque = @DataFim), so I have access to stock amount on order date. Join with table Movimentacao in order to find the amount moved between the interval @DataInicio and @DataFim making a stock rule observing the Type of Movement (Input (E) and Output (S)).

As the quantidade is from the data fim stock, resalto that for each drive Tipo = E should be subtracted(-) and to output(+). That is, because it is doing the opposite.

I want to know, the stock and the movement of the material in the interval of two dates.

Expected result: Filter: Start date = 2019-05-17 and end date = 2019-05-20

    1  |2019-05-20 |   -12    |     3    -> tenha ser o estoque atual
    1  |2019-05-20 |   -6     |     15
    1  |2019-05-18 |   -9     |     21
    1  |2019-05-17 |   10     |     30
    1  |2019-05-17 |   -4     |     20
    1  |2019-05-16 |   -      |     24

What is possible to do? There is another suggestion?

  • Calm people, I am changing the question. The guys are negative without at least informing the reason, it is complicated to please the people here. @Sorack really lacks details, I’m completing.

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1 answer


You can recover the desired result with the following query:

DECLARE @inicio   DATE;
DECLARE @fim      DATE;

SET @inicio = '2019-05-17';
SET @fim = '2019-05-20';
SET @material = 1;

WITH cumulativo AS (
  SELECT TOP(1) 0 AS cod,
                e.dataestoque AS dataemissao,
    FROM estoque e
   WHERE e.dataestoque < @inicio
     AND e.material = @material
   ORDER BY e.dataestoque DESC
  SELECT m.cod,
         CASE m.tipo WHEN 'E' THEN m.quantidade ELSE m.quantidade * -1 END
    FROM movimentacao m
   WHERE m.dataemissao BETWEEN @inicio AND @fim
     AND m.material = @material
SELECT c.dataemissao,
       SUM(c2.quantidade) AS total
  FROM cumulativo c
  INNER JOIN cumulativo c2 ON c.dataemissao >= c2.dataemissao
                          AND c.cod >= c2.cod
  GROUP BY c.dataemissao,
  ORDER BY c.dataemissao,


APPLIES TO: SQL Server (from 2008 onwards), Banco de Dados SQL do Azure, SQL Data Warehouse do Azure and Parallel Data Warehouse

Specifies a temporary named result set, known as a CTE (common table expression). It is derived from a simple query and defined in the execution scope of a single instruction SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE or MERGE. This clause can also be used in a CREATE VIEW statement as part of the instruction SELECT that defines it. A common table expression can include references to itself. This is what we call the common recursive table expression.


[ WITH <common_table_expression> [ ,...n ] ]  

expression_name [ ( column_name [ ,...n ] ) ]  
( CTE_query_definition )



Is a valid identifier for the common table expression. expression_name must be different from the name of any other common table expression defined in the same clause WITH <common_table_expression>, but expression_name may be the same as the name of a base table or display. Any reference to expression_name query uses the common table expression, not the base object.


Specifies a column name in the common table expression. Duplicate names are not allowed in a single definition of CTE. The number of column names specified shall correspond to the number of columns in the result set of the CTE_query_definition. The list of column names will be optional only if separate names are provided for all the resulting columns in the query definition.


Specifies an instruction SELECT whose result set populates the common table expression. The statement SELECT of CTE_query_definition must meet the same requirements as for the creation of an exhibition, with the exception that a CTE cannot define another CTE. For more information, see the Comments and CREATE VIEW (Transact-SQL).

If more than one CTE_query_definition is defined, the definitions of consultation may be joined by one of these two sets of operators: UNION ALL, UNION, EXCEPT or INTERSECT.

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