Problem instantiating two models in a php controller


Viewed 62 times


I made a mini framework, where the Models extends from a standard class that contains a crud, the only thing the models have is the table information to be used. But when I try to use two models in a controller the first overrides the information in the second.


namespace Controller;

use Helpers\Seguranca;
use Model\Login;
use Sistema\Controller as CI_controller;

class Usuario extends CI_controller

    // Models
    private static $ObjUsuario;
    private static $ObjLogin;

    // Método construtor
    function __construct()
        // Executa o método parente

        // Models
        self::$ObjUsuario = new \Model\Usuario(); // TABELA USUARIO
        self::$ObjLogin = new Login(); // TABALE LOGIN

        // AO TENTAR utilizar o usuario a tabela fica LOGIN

    } // END >> Fun::__construct()


namespace Model;

use Sistema\Database;

class Usuario extends Database
    private static $conexao;

    // Método construtor
    public function __construct()
        // Carrega o construtor da class pai

        // Retorna a conexao
        self::$conexao = parent::getConexao();

        // Seta o nome da tablea

    } // END >> Fun::__construct()

} // END >> Class::Curso


namespace Model;

use Sistema\Database;

class Login extends Database
    private static $conexao;

    // Método construtor
    public function __construct()
        // Carrega o construtor da class pai

        // Retorna a conexao
        self::$conexao = parent::getConexao();

        // Seta o nome da tablea

    } // END >> Fun::__construct()

} // END >> Class::Curso


namespace Sistema;

use \PDO;

class Database
    private static $database;
    private static $db;

    private static $table;

    function __construct()
        $database = null;

        // Configurações do Banco de dados

        // Adiciona as configurações ao item privado
        self::$database = $database;

            // Realiza a conexão do banco
        catch (\PDOException $e)
            echo 'Error:'. $e->getMessage();

    // Método responsável por retornar a conexão
    // com o banco de dados
    public function getConexao()
        return self::$db;

     *  Métodos para facilitar o desenvolvimento de aplicações
     *  deixando um "CRUD" pré programado

    // Seta a tabela
    public function setTable($table)
        self::$table = $table;

  • 2

    If you want each class to keep a reference to the table name, the field $table shouldn’t be private static.

  • Should put how? had put only private but could not use it in other functions

  • 1

    You know what the modifiers private and static make - mainly when used with inheritance?

1 answer


The problem was in the $table field type. I was setting it as Static switched to private and it worked.

  • Anderson Carlos Woss who helped me with this question

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