Error in vector copy of structured type


Viewed 183 times


Error copying elements from a vector of structured type to another vector of the same kind:

At the end of the code below, I use a function to "print" all elements of the tabela2 (vector that will receive the table content), but the prints come out "empty".

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

typedef struct dicionario
  char chave[21];//string de até 20 caracteres

  int* linhas;//vetor de inteiros

  int tam_linhas;//tamanho do vetor acima;


void verificaAlocacao(Dicionario* tabela)
    if(tabela == NULL)
        printf("\nmemoria insuficiente");


void inicializa(Dicionario* tabela, int tam)//atribui para todos ->tam_linhas = 0;
    int i;

    for(i=0; i < tam; i++)
        tabela[i].tam_linhas = 0;

void reallocaTabela(Dicionario* tabela, Dicionario* tabela2, int tam, int tam_antigo)
    int i,

    char op_efetuada;//BREAK

    for(i=0; i < tam_antigo; i++)
        op_efetuada == 'N';

        if(tabela[i].tam_linhas != 0)//se tam_linahs != 0

            while(op_efetuada == 'N')
                strcpy(tabela2[pos].chave, tabela[i].chave);//atualiza a chave

                tabela2[pos].tam_linhas = tabela[i].tam_linhas;//atualiza o tamanho das linhas

                tabela2[pos].linhas = (int*) malloc(tabela2[pos].tam_linhas*sizeof(int));//cria o vetor de linhas

                if(tabela2[pos].linhas == NULL)//verifica alocacao
                    printf("\nmemoria insuficiente");


                for(k=0; k < tabela2[pos].tam_linhas; k++)//copia elemntos do vetor de linhas
                    tabela2[pos].linhas[k] = tabela[i].linhas[k];

                op_efetuada = 'S';


void printTabela(Dicionario* tabela2, int tam)
    int l,y;

    for(l=0; l < tam; l++)
        if(tabela2[l].tam_linhas != 0)

            printf(" - tam_linhas: %d - vetor:",tabela2[l].tam_linhas);

            for(y=0; y < tabela2[l].tam_linhas; y++)
                printf("[%d]", tabela2[l].linhas[y]);



int main()
    int tam=3;//tamanho da tabela

    Dicionario* tabela = (Dicionario*) malloc(tam*sizeof(Dicionario));

    Dicionario* tabela2;


    inicializa(tabela, tam);


        //na posicao [0]
        strcpy(tabela[0].chave, "bola");//chave = bola

        tabela[0].linhas = (int*) malloc(3*sizeof(int));//atualiza vetor de linhas

        tabela[0].tam_linhas =3;//atualiza tam de linhas

        //na posicao [2]
        strcpy(tabela[2].chave, "carro");//chave = carro

        tabela[2].linhas = (int*) malloc(2*sizeof(int));

        tabela[2].tam_linhas =2;


    tabela2 = (Dicionario*) malloc((2*tam +1)*sizeof(Dicionario));


    reallocaTabela(tabela, tabela2, (2*tam +1), tam);

    printTabela(tabela2,(2*tam +1));

    return 0;

What’s the matter?

  • 1

    Try to format the code correctly to make it easier for people who can help you. Use the icon {} in editing. Also note some things we do here other than forums. Here we have just questions and answers, not "conversations". You’ll learn when people edit your posts the right style.

  • @bigown Sorry, but the code insertion tool is not the best! [codigo] = seems not to work for codes with more than 50lines

  • It just worked with me. Look at it now. It’s extremely simple. Programming is several orders of magnitude harder than using formatting.

  • Yes, indeed. I will try to improve on that. But I hope that in the future the user experience will increase with regard to formatting tool. Because you are not competing at the level of other forums. Thank you

  • 1

    The stackoverflow uses markdown formatting and to format the code it has to be indented 4 spaces. The easiest way to do this is to select everything and squeeze the little boot of {} in the toolbar.

  • @hugomg This way really turned out like I wanted. Thank you

  • 2

    And avoid posting the same problem over and over again. When you have to change something, you must [Dit] the question to adjust and stay so that everyone can understand. This is not a forum, edits are part of the user experience so we have good questions and answers and little or no noise.

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1 answer


The problem was the incongruity of some passages of the function reallocTabela();

for example in the passage: op_efetuada == 'N';, which instead of using the increment symbol(=), ended up using the symbol of equality(==);

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