Function to go to a particular part of the code


Viewed 60 times


There is some function in the R so that the given condition it jumps to a certain part of the code. I am implementing an audit model, but at certain points it needs external files that are sent only at the end of the year, but I would like to review the other items before that. The code I thought would be something similar to the one below, but not the one to insert inside the if.

if(length(list.files(pattern = "RREO"))==0){#Proximo item da auditoria}
  • 2

    I think you should consider changing the logic of the code. if(o ficheiro existe){processar ficheiro} else {seguir em frente}.

1 answer


You can use the function next. See fictitious example:

v <- LETTERS[1:6]
for ( i in v) {

   if (i == "D") {
[1] "A" 
[1] "B" 
[1] "C" 
[1] "E" 
[1] "F"

In your case the v would be the files, and you would make the condition based on whether the file exists or not (ie if it returns NULL on import).

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