INPUT[TYPE=RADIO] Label Formatting


Viewed 117 times


Good morning to you all. Forgive me if this question has already been asked here but I have looked and found nothing similar. I’m putting together a survey to be used in smartphones and I have a few options ( input[type=radio] ) with extended Abels. This is breaking the lines unpleasantly (image attached). Could someone give me a hint on how to fix this, that is, the line below is aligned in the first row column ? Follow the attached HTML code. Thanks in advance.

<label>13. Qual &eacute; a categoria com maior dificuldade na compra ?</label>
	<input type='radio' name='ck_categoria' value='1' class='checkbox-template' style='' onclick=''>RA&Ccedil;&Otilde;ES
	<input type='radio' name='ck_categoria' value='2' class='checkbox-template' style='' onclick=''>MEDICAMENTOS
	<input type='radio' name='ck_categoria' value='3' class='checkbox-template' style='' onclick=''>BIOL&Oacute;GICOS
	<input type='radio' name='ck_categoria' value='4' class='checkbox-template' style='' onclick=''>HIGIENE E BELEZA (COSM&Eacute;TICOS)
	<input type='radio' name='ck_categoria' value='5' class='checkbox-template' style='' onclick=''>LIMPEZA (AREIA, TAPETE, FRALDA E DESINFETANTES)
	<input type='radio' name='ck_categoria' value='6' class='checkbox-template' style='' onclick=''>ACESS&Oacute;RIOS
	<input type='radio' name='ck_categoria' value='7' class='checkbox-template' style='' onclick=''>SNACKS
	<input type='radio' name='ck_categoria' value='8' class='checkbox-template' style='' onclick=''>OUTROS (favor especificar)
	<input type='text' disabled id='ck_categoria_outros' name='ck_categoria_outros' data-msg='' class='form-control' value='' maxlength='200'>

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Please search [Edit] your question by adding the HTML code to build a [mcve].

1 answer


The way you set up your list is not cool, besides not being semantic.

I suggest you use a UL/LI with display:flex so you get what you want and leave things better formatted in HTML, using a listing and a <label> to the <input>

ul {
  list-style: none;
  width: 200px;

li {
  display: flex;
    <input type="checkbox" id="n1">
    <label for="n1">label</label>
    <input type="checkbox" id="n2">
    <label for="n3">label muito muito muito muito longa</label>
    <input type="checkbox" id="n3">
    <label for="n3">label muito muito muito muito longa</label>

  • 1

    Thank you. It’s perfect.

  • @cfreitasc without any problems

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