Send Id via Independent Components from a Link and Miter, Angular 2 (7)?


Viewed 78 times


I need to communicate between two components. From a selection (First Component), I send the ID to the other component, in ngOnInit I receive the value of this ID (Second Component), but when I try to use it in another function (concluirCadastro()), gives Indefinid. What can I do? How to resolve the issue?

Code available on:

In the HTML of the First Component

<h4>Selecionar Cidade</h4>
  <mat-select (selectionChange)="cidadeSelecionada($event.value)">
    <mat-option *ngFor="let city of citys" [value]="city.Id">

<a [routerLink]="['/ParentChild2']">Selecionar</a>

In the Component.ts of the First Component

static emitirIdCidade = new EventEmitter<string>();

  citys: City[] = [
    {Id: 0, NomeCity: 'Belo Horizonte'},
    {Id: 1, NomeCity: 'Lavras'},
    {Id: 2, NomeCity: 'Rio de Janeiro'}


In the HTML of the Second Component

<button (click)="concluirCadastro()">Concluir Cadastro</button>

In the Component.ts of the Second Component

 ngOnInit() {
      id => console.log(id)

  concluirCadastro() {
    console.log("teste novamente - " + this.cidadeId);

Console result.


teste novamente - undefined

2 answers


Instead of calling the emitter variable statically [Parentchildcomponent.emitirIdCidade.Emit(Event);]. I advise you to create a Service, within it you place your Eventemitter variable and initialize your service in the two components and do your desired action.

Tip: Instead of using this way with Service, use Ngrx (Redux).

  • Would you have an example? .

  • 1

    Follow this tutorial by Ngrx for component-to-component reactive functions:


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